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102 在生活中面临难题时,什么是信徒该持的正确看法?
Aug 19, 2011: What is the right perspective a devotee should have with regard to the problems one faces in life? Swami graciously explains to us today.

Everyone should cultivate good thoughts and eschew all bad feelings. God has no dislike for anyone and is free of envy and ill-will. He does not have any favourites. The grace one receives is the result of one's own feelings. "Bhaavaatheetham thriguna rahitham" (The Divine is beyond feelings and attributes). He is "Ekam Sathyam Vimalam Achalam" (One, the Truth, Pure and Immovable). He is "sarvadhee saakshibhuutham" (the eternal witness in all minds). When devotees complain they are being punished by the Lord in various ways, they do not realize that God does not punish them. It is their own fears and desires that cause their troubles. A true devotee recognizes that all suffering is the consequence of one’s own bad thoughts and actions.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 27, 1986.

人人都应该培养善念,远离一切坏的情感。上帝不讨厌任何人,也没有忌妒或恶意,祂没有偏爱,大公无私。一个人得到的恩典,是他自己的情感的结果。 「上帝是非人格的,超越情感,超越属性」。祂是「独一无二、真理、纯洁清净、如如不动」。祂是「众生心内的永恒见证者」。当信徒抱怨自己被上帝施以各式各样的惩罚时,他们其实不知道上帝并不惩罚他们,是他们自己的惧怕和欲望给自己造成麻烦,一个真正上帝的信徒能察觉出,所有的苦,都是自己的恶念和恶行的结果。

The devotee filled with love for the Lord welcomes what may appear as punishment as something for his own good.

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