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101 至福是否难以实现?
Aug 18, 2011: Is attaining bliss difficult? Swami answers this question and encourages us to march onward by sharing vivid examples from the life of great devotees.

Devotion does not call for arduous spiritual practices or severe discipline of any kind. There is no need to perform intense penance or Yajnas (religious sacrifices). The only easy and sure means for ordinary people to realize God, without regard to their caste, nationality, gender or any other qualification, is to have intense devotion and love for God. Where there is deep faith, there is intense love. Where there is love, there is Shraddha (earnestness). Through earnestness, Jnana (higher knowledge) is gained. This knowledge enables one to practice spirituality. The Gopikas (cowherd maidens) exemplified this; they experienced the continuous presence of God within them and outside them. They showed that such sublime love was possible even for ordinary persons with little knowledge of the scriptures or spiritual disciplines and demonstrated the inextricable link between the Divine and the individual.
- Divine Discourse, Aug 27, 1986.


God cares for your inner most feelings (bhava), not your outward expressions (bahya).

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