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097 慈善和奉献的区别是什么?
Aug 13, 2011: What is the difference between charity and sacrifice? To know the answer to this question, we must first understand what charity is. Today Bhagawan explains the same. To know what true sacrifice is, wait till tomorrow.

It is often thought that charitable and philanthropic acts make for sacrifice. But there is a vast difference between charity and sacrifice. Charitable people give only a fraction of their wealth to others. Gifts of land, distribution of food, contribution of physical labour and the spreading of education and knowledge belong to this category. Through acts of charity no man ever gives up all that he has. Going a step higher some retain for themselves what is just and essential, and give away all the rest to society. Such people win the highest acclaim in the world. Our sacred texts prescribed that a portion of one’s possessions must be offered to the poor and needy.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 21:”The Inner Inquiry”.


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