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094 为什么知足是最丰富的宝藏?如何培育这宝贵的美德?
Aug 10, 2011: Why is contentment the richest treasure? How is one to develop this precious virtue? Swami explains to us today.

Do not strive for physical comforts ignoring the permanent joy of inner calm and contentment, for nothing is more valuable than this. Contentment is the result of attaining peace of mind, joy and discrimination; it is a treasure richer than the three worlds. A contented person can experience indescribable divine glory and can even attain Sakshathkara (vision of the Lord) directly. But to achieve this, namasmarana (remembrance of the Lord’s Name) and dhyana (meditation) are the only means; these alone can give you that ability.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 10: “Innocence, Purity and Humility”.


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