主页 >> 赛的启示
093 为什么我们要努力获得自性的知识?如何得到它?
Aug 9, 2011: Why should we strive to attain Self-knowledge and how do we acquire it? Bhagawan explains and guides us today.

Secular learning cannot bestow on us abiding and absolute peace. Self-knowledge alone can help us cross the sea of sorrow; you should all strive to attain this awareness. It is not easy to gain this Self-knowledge, but at the same time one must not give up in a mood of frustration and despair. Self-knowledge can certainly be acquired through purity of mind. Purity of mind can be attained through pious and sacred deeds, charity, compassion and devotion. Selfless action, consecrated to God, purifies the heart. The Sun of Wisdom dawns in such a heart and this awakening exalts one to the status of God.
- Sathya Sai Vahini: Ch 21: ”The Inner Inquiry”


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