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092 幸福人生的秘密是什么?
Aug 8, 2011: What is the true secret to lead a happy life? Bhagawan reveals to us today.

You must have contentment, be it gain or loss. This is essential. For the contented mind, life becomes a celebration, whereas a mind worried by desires will be ever restless. In such a state of mind, concentration is impossible. Desires are like a fire in your body, which can burn you up from within and contentment is the effective drug to destroy it. Just as a bath in the cool waters of a stream refreshes an exhausted traveler, perspiring in the burning heat of the day, one suffering from the scorching fires of desire, will be refreshed by the pellucid waters of contentment. Contentment will grant you joy and expand your happiness.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 10: “Innocence, Purity and Humility”


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