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091 在我们生活中的各个阶层,为什么要远离互相指责的伎俩?
Aug 6, 2011: Why is it important to stay away from the blame game, in all walks of our lives? Swami lucidly explains today.

If you blame and find fault with others in a conversation, you will be criticised in turn. You will then become disturbed by this situation, which will disrupt your spiritual progress; in addition, the atmosphere will become stressful. Therefore if you really wish to find joy through your spiritual practices, the first step is to keep your conversations calm and to think positively. Sweet and soft conversation will help you immeasurably. You must cultivate such character, for character outlasts the body. Virtues are your strength and glory. Character is power. So train your mind and use it to hold fast to the goal of achieving oneness with God.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 10: “Innocence, Purity and Humility”


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