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089 即使是讲话的语气和表达方式,可能影响一个人的修行进展。世尊为我们开示。
Aug 4, 2011: Even the nature of speech and the manner in which one converses can influence one's spiritual progress. Bhagawan explains how.

It is very important to remember that the full power inherent in your words can be utilised through speaking softly and sweetly. For those anxious to visualise God in all, such gentleness of speech will be of immense help. Through words of affection and regard, and by the practice of softness of expression, not only will your minds be calm and light, you will also grant great joy to others! And when you carry out meditation and other spiritual practices in such a happy atmosphere, concentration will come easily.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 10: “Innocence, Purity and Humility”


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