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088 在缺少某些价值观的情形下,某些长处是不完整的,甚至会带来危险。修行者必须慎之又慎。世尊告诉我们这些所谓的长处。
Aug 3, 2011: Certain virtues are not complete or even dangerous in the absence of certain values. And it is important for a student of spirituality to take note of these. Bhagawan tells us today, what they are.

Education sans wisdom, wisdom bereft of discrimination, action without discretion, erudition lacking sagacity, power not justified by credentials, statements not based on truth, music wanting in melody, adoration not sustained by devotion, a person devoid of common sense and character, a student not endowed with humility, and a discourse that fails to inspire: these serve no useful purpose. Knowledge without personal experience is futile. You should gain wisdom through experience. Knowledge is sanctified only when it is translated into actions which promote the good of humanity.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 21: “The Inner Inquiry”.


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