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086 幻象或无明会造成什么影响?克服幻象的要点是什么?
Aug 1, 2011: What is the impact that illusion or ignorance can create? What are the essentials to overcome illusion? Swami explains to us today.

When the rope is seen in darkness, by mistake or ignorance, it appears as a serpent, hiding what it really is. When the truth is known the onlooker feels, “this is no serpent; it is a rope!”, the serpent instantly disappears, for it was mere imagination. Therefore our feeling or thinking creates the serpent and also destroys it! Remember this: “Assertion creates, negation destroys!” Both are mental processes which can be classified as thoughts. “We become what our thoughts are.” These thoughts, on the validity of the objective world and the value of the joys derivable from it, though emanating from ajnana (ignorance), shape us from within. To overcome illusion or ignorance, the following are extremely valuable and helpful: (1) attention towards adhyatmic gain (spiritual progress); (2) steady faith; (3) devotion and (4) the grace of God. Even if one of these four is absent, one cannot experience the highest Bliss of the Absolute.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 21: “The Inner Inquiry”.

在暗处的一根绳子,或出于错误,或出于无明,而被误认为是一条蛇,知道真相后,瞧见那条绳子的人说︰「原来不是蛇,是条绳子!」蛇瞬间消失了,因为它只是想像,所以我们的感受或思想,创造了那条蛇,也毁灭了它!记住这句话︰「『认定』则生之,『否定』则灭之!」两者都是心理过程,可算是属于思想之类。 「我们想的是什么,我们就变成什么。」认客观世界为真,并值得从中得到乐趣,这样的思想,虽出于无明,却会从内在塑造我们。要克服幻象或无明,下列几点极为重要而且非常有帮助︰(1)注重灵性上的进展(2)稳定的信心(3)虔诚(4)神的恩典。这四项只要缺其一,就无法体验道的至乐。

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