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085 如何我们可以看清幻象的蛊惑和克服生死轮回?
July 30, 2011: How can we see through the game that maya plays and overcome the cycle of life and death? Swami lovingly exhorts us to action today.

In order to persuade a child to stop crying and calm down, we often relate a story suitable for its level of comprehension. In the same manner, the Jivi (individual), fascinated by the constant attraction of maya and bound by tendencies cultivated during many lives in the past, becomes lost in illusion and cries out ‘Why do I keep on suffering?’ The solution was provided when the sage-preceptor, Vasishta, instructed Lord Ramachandra. “Rama!” he said, “Rather than entangling Yourself in the inquiry regarding how ignorance entered man, put all Your effort into its removal.” This lesson is directed not only to Rama but to all humanity. It instructs everyone who does not realize the transcendental Truth behind the objective world. Simply be convinced that you have this basic ignorance, and give up struggling with all your suffering. You must learn how to overcome your ignorance by treading the path that will lead you to wisdom or Jnana. Wisdom is light. Ignorance is darkness. And darkness can persist only until light dawns.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 20: “The Primal Purpose”


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