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084 为什么与益友交往是那么的重要?
July 29, 2011: Why is it important to seek and maintain good company? Swami lovingly explains to us today.

The spiritual aspirant must always yearn for good company (satsang), where there is no chance for growth of greed or ambition. Even if it is hard to come by, you should only mix with good people. It is profitless for a true aspirant to associate with people who spend their time in worldly affairs. If you don’t secure good friends, spend your time alone; thereby you do not lose anything. Never even think of joining the company of the bad or being in their presence. Do not get entangled in their wiles. If you cultivate good qualities and seek good company, then both, repetition of the Divine Name and meditation will become easy for you and will yield quick results.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 9: “Spiritual Development”.


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