主页 >> 赛的启示
079 我们可能整天在祈祷;也可以把一切行动奉献于神。但是有哪些会抵达神呢?
July 24, 2011: We may offer prayers all day long; we may offer all our actions to God. But which of these reach God? Bhagawan explains today.

Three types of activity reach God and earn His Grace: (1) those not prompted by personal desire, (2) those emanating from unselfish love and (3) prayer arising from pure hearts. The Lord pays heed only to these and they reach God direct. The rest are the concern of the various deities who preside over their disposal. Therefore, prayers have to be unselfish, saturated with love, and free from the taint of attachment to the gift that the prayer would bring.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Ch 19: “Prayer”


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