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077 为什么我们要尽力过着一种取悦主的生活方式?
July 21, 2011: Why should we strive to lead our lives in a way it pleases the Lord? The Lord Himself gives us the answer.

Its animal nature to get attracted to the exterior; the Lord is pleased only by internal charm that arises from good character. Do not be driven by the low tastes of the world and the cheap regard that people bestow. Strive for the grace and love of the Lord. The affection that people shower is not constant, for it depends on their likes and dislikes. But the love that the Lord bears for you depends on your good qualities alone; it gives you permanent joy. True beauty lies in character, not in anything else. There is nothing more charming than this.
- Dhyana Vahini, Ch 9: “Spiritual Development”.


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