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075 为什么我们要着重于热爱神?
July 19, 2011: Why should we prioritize devotion to God? Swami lucidly explains to us today.

Do not mistake this temporary abode as your eternal dwelling place. Do not lose heart at evanescent troubles and short-lived tragedies. Immerse yourselves in the effort to attain the eternal Lord. Everything in this world is subject to decay - if not today, sometime in the future. It is not right to reject the Lord, who is eternally related to you, and be misled by this world with which one is connected to for a short while! Consider the number of births you have taken, the countless mothers, fathers, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, friends and enemies you’ve had. Do they exist today? Do they remember the relationships? You are no one to them, and they are nobody to you. But you and they have the Lord in common as the unchanging relative. He is there throughout all births; He is eternal. He watches over you from one birth to another. The Lord will never give you up. What greater tragedy can there be than forgetting such a Lord? With the senses weakened, powerless and refusing to function; with the parents, wife, children, and all relations crowding on one side; while the messengers of death compelling you to pack up for the journey without delay on the other side - who knows when this call will come and how? Before that moment comes, be ready with the thought of God.
- Dhyana Vahini, Chapter 8: “One-pointedness is essential for Meditation”


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