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069 我们的目标是什么,为什么我们需要一个上师?
July 12, 2011: What is our goal and why do we need a Guru? Swami enlightens us today.

Every animate being has to attain fulfillment; that is destiny. The length and difficulty of the journey are determined by the nature of the cumulative effects of many lives. In order to attain fulfillment in the spiritual field, the help of those who have mastered the path is very necessary. This guidance can be transmitted only from one heart to another when an intimate kinship is established between the seeker and the Master. Texts, commentaries and guide books only breed doubts, discords and discussions. Intellectual reasoning will only lead to cleverness and ill-advised sharpness. Experience achieved through intuition alone is valid in the realm of the spirit. For the journey from intuition to illumination, layers of egoism and its evils have to be penetrated and destroyed. A Guru will be of great help in this adventure. For, He alone who has reached the goal can guide the pilgrim to it. Without the Guru, the aspirant tends to wander in the wilds.
- Divine Discourse, July 27, 1980.
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