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067 为什么我们要欢喜面对障碍?
July 8, 2011: Why should we welcome obstacles? Swami explains to us today.

All work should be done as an offering to God. One should not be idle. Whatever work one does, it should be done with a feeling of love. You can take up any work that is appropriate for your aptitudes and capacity. While doing such sacred work, you must continue to worship your favourite form of the Divine. People say many obstacles occur when one undertakes sadhana (spiritual practices). When obstacles come they should be taken as tests. Tests are intended not as punishment but for ascertaining one's fitness for promotion. Frequent tests mean repeated opportunities for promotion. If there is a big time lag between tests, it only means that promotion is not possible for a long time. One must face the obstacles in one’s sadhana in this spirit and try to overcome them.
- Divine Discourse, July 7, 1985.
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