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065 如何获取神恩和圣化我们的生活?
July 6, 2011: How can we earn Grace and sanctify our lives? Swami guides us today.

You must use your discrimination to sift the trash and discard it in preference to what is valuable. You must earn punyam (merit) by rendering selfless service to others. You must keep away from bad company and seek the friendship of the good, only those who can cleanse and heal you. When you do not attempt to transform yourself in this manner but expect plentiful grace, you finally end up accusing God for your sorrows, instead of blaming your unsteady faith! Grace cannot be claimed by such behaviour; your devotion must be so true that God accepts you as His devotee. You are consumed by time; God is the Master of Time. So, take refuge in God. Let God be your Guru, your path, your Lord. Adore Him, obey His commands, offer Him your grateful homage, and hold Him fast in your mind. This is the only way and also the easiest way to realize Him as your own reality.
- Divine Discourse, July 2, 1985
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