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063 在哪里可以找到神圣素质的实例? |
July 4, 2011: Where can we find genuine examples of divine qualities in this world? Swami shows this to us today.
The entire world is like a university, teaching us constantly. When we do business, there is something to learn. Even when we cultivate land, there is something to learn. Without any difference of caste or creed, title or status, the tree shares its fruits with all and proclaims the equality of everyone. The mountains teach us that we should not have excessive attachment to our body by showing us how patiently they can stand in rain, sun and cold. When someone dies, we learn that the world is not permanent; family is only an illusion. It reminds us that we have no right to keep on saying that this belongs to me or that belongs to you. To understand God, His creation is the best school. Everywhere there is something for us to learn.
- Divine Discourse, Summer Showers, 1978, Chapter 8. |
整个世界就像一所大学,时常在教导我们。当我们做生意,其中有些能让我们学的东西,纵使是耕地,也有可让我们学的东西。一颗果树将其果实和所有人分享,不分阶级、头衔、地位,对大家一视同仁。那些山,耐心的忍受日晒雨淋和寒冷,教导我们不应该过度执着迷恋自己的身体。当某人过世时,我们了悟到世界不是永恒的,家庭只是虚妄不实的幻象,它提醒我们,我们没有权利老是说︰「这个属于我,那个属于你。」要了解上帝,祂的造化是最好的学校,处处都有我们可以学的东西。 |
[赛的启示] |