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058 什么是对神的真爱?
June 28, 2011: What is true love for God? Swami explains to us today.

Your attitude to God should not be dependent on likes and dislikes. There are some devotees who worship God with devotion for some time. Then they turn against God. The reasons for these changes in attitude can be traceable to their expectations from God. When they feel that their prayers are being answered and their desires are being fulfilled, they adore Him. But when their wishes are not fulfilled, they revile God in all sorts of words. This kind of devotion is based on self-interest and has nothing divine about it. One should not blame God for difficulties. Pure devotion will not be affected by changes in circumstances or fortunes. True love is not based on any conditions. It is equal in joy and pain and is not affected by fluctuations in fortune.
- Divine Discourse, July 24, 1983.
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