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057 在日常生活中,什么是处世的正确态度?
June 27, 2011: What is the right attitude to look at the world as we carry on our daily lives? Swami explains to us today.

If you view the world with love, it will appear as filled with love. On the other hand if you view it with hatred, everything will appear antagonistic to you. Eyes filled with love shine with brightness and cheerfulness. On the contrary eyes filled with hatred appear bloodshot and fearful. Your thoughts determine your actions whether good or bad. The external world will reflect your thoughts. You must consider the entire universe as a temple of God. You must regard all that is beautiful and great in Nature - the lofty mountains, the vast oceans, the stars in the sky - as proclaiming the glory and power of the Divine. The sweet fragrance of flowers or the delectable juice of fruits should also be regarded as tokens of God's love and compassion.
- Divine Discourse, July 24, 1983.
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