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055 灵修的时候会有怎样的妄念?
June 24, 2011: What are the tricks the mind can play when we undertake spiritual practices? Swami guides us today.

Do not entertain in your mind the idea of purity or impurity while undertaking a spiritual practice. There is nothing impure in the world. When the Lord is immanent everywhere and in everything, how can anything be impure? Even if something appears to the eyes as impure, the moment it contacts the Name of the Lord, it becomes purified. Purity and impurity are the result of the mental reactions at a particular moment. When one is giving money to someone, one talks of choosing an auspicious time. But when one gets a chance to take money, every moment becomes auspicious! The mind is the reason for both the attitudes. Remember that everything is pure, everything is Divine!
- Dhyana Vahini, Chap 8: 'Onepointedness is Essential for Meditation'.
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