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045 斯瓦米强调我们必须培养的一个重要美德。
June 10, 2011: Swami today highlights an important virtue that we must cultivate.

Friendship is very important. When somebody salutes you, you should salute them back. Do not consider that since someone is your enemy, you should not return the greeting. Consider everyone to be your friend. Do not bear hatred or enmity towards anyone. Enmity is a wicked quality. Everyone should be united. If you really want to see God, first see Him in everyone. You may earn any amount of money, but as long as you live, you should give joy to others by undertaking acts of charity. Those who have wealth should look after the poor and the sick. Utilize all your earnings in a proper manner. Consider social service as service to yourself. Service to society is a sign of nobility. On the contrary, those who do not take to the path of service are immoral.
- Divine Discourse, May 30, 2006.
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