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044 斯瓦米指示我们应该永远记住和实践的一个重要的人生原则。
June 9, 2011: Swami today impresses upon us an important principle of life that we should always remember and practice.

Your very form is love. Have more faith in love and develop loving relationships with others. Cultivate the feeling that you belong to all and all belong to you. All are one; be alike to everyone. All are the children of the same Divine Mother. Being the children of the same Mother, all should live like brothers and sisters. The very foundation of this country is based on truth and right action; this must be propagated. Everyone should consider adherence to truth as the greatest deed they can perform. Truth and right conduct are most important in the life of every human being. Youth, in particular, should strictly adhere to these virtues. What is truth? It means harmony of thought, word and deed. Wherever these three are in harmony, there you find Truth. You should not say one thing on the platform, but have something else in your mind, and finally act in a totally different manner from what you spoke and thought. This is the worst sin possible!
- Divine Discourse, May 30, 2006.
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