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029 为什么天地万物中有这么多阶级和形质的差异?
May 20, 2011: Why is the reason for so much diversity in our class and character in this creation? Swami enlightens us today.

Some are born healthy and some others, unhealthy. Some lead prosperous and carefree lives, while others toil throughout their lives in dire poverty. Certainly, it can be argued that there are signs enough of the partiality that the Creation or Creator reveals. Such inference may even appear justified from the ordinary man’s point of view. The pure stream of spiritual culture declares that this is not true at all! God is not the cause of either misery or joy, of good fortune or bad! Then, who brings about the evil and the good? The answer is—we ourselves! Rain falls equally on ploughed land as well as that which is not ploughed. But only the ploughed land derives benefit therefrom! The clouds are not to blame. The fault lies in the ignorant idler who lets his land lie fallow. The grace of God is ever at hand. It has no more or less, no ups or downs. We draw upon it, to a greater or lesser degree, or let it go by, or use it for our good.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 10: "The Yogis".
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