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028 斯瓦米告诉我们主是怎么样的无形指挥者。
May 19, 2011: Swami enlightens us today on how the Lord is our invisible guide.

All living beings are actors on this stage. They make their exit when the curtain is rung down or when their part is over. On that stage, one may play the part of a thief, another may be cast as a king, a third may be a clown, and another a beggar. For all these characters in the play, there is only One who gives the cue! The prompter will not come upon the stage and give the cue in full view of all. If He does so, the drama will not interest anybody. Therefore, standing behind a screen at the back of the stage, He gives the cue to all the actors, regardless of their role — be it dialogue, speech, or song — just when each is in most need of help. In the same way, the Lord is behind the screen on the stage of Prakriti (Creation), giving the cue to all the actors for their various parts.
- Dhyana Vahini, Chap 6: "Meditation reveals the Eternal and the Non-Eternal".
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