主页 >> 赛的启示 |
026 斯瓦米启发我们佛陀所教导的简单而深奥的原则。 |
May 17, 2011: Swami today enlightens us about the simple yet profound principles taught by The Buddha.
Lord Buddha's emphasis was entirely on purity in every aspect of daily life. He advocated purity in vision, thought, speech and action. He considered the spirit of sacrifice as the true Yajna (sacred offering). Sacrifice is the means for attaining Nirvana, freedom from the bondage of mundane existence. Buddha was totally opposed to anyone being forced to lead a worldly life against his will. The Buddhist prayer must be properly understood. When the Buddhists say: "Buddham sharanam gachchaami, Dharmam sharanam gachchaami, Sangham sharanam gachchaami," the real meaning of the prayer is: One must divert one’s Buddhi (intellect) towards Dharma (right conduct); and right conduct should be aimed at serving the community. When this is done, society gets purified.
- Divine Discourse, May 15, 1997. |
佛陀所强调的,都是在生活的每一方面保持清净,纯正,他提倡在所见,所想,所言,所行各方面保持清净,纯正(正见,正思,正语,正业)。他认为奉献的精神才是真正的“祭祀”,奉献乃是达到涅槃──从世间的枷锁解脱──的方法。佛陀坚决反对强迫一个人去过违反本人意愿的世俗生活。佛教祈祷文的涵义一定要正确的加以了解,当佛教徒说︰“皈依佛,皈依法,皈依僧。”其真正意义为︰要让自己的智性(Buddhi)朝向“法”(Dharma︰达摩;义;正当的行为),而正当的行为应该针对服务社会为目标,如此,社会就可以得到净化。 |
[赛的启示] |