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025 哪些行为是正确的,哪些不是?
May 16, 2011: Which actions are right and which are not? Swami guides us today. Karma (action), really speaking, is the practice of Dharma (right conduct). The Upanishads (scriptures) give us guidance on what has to be done and what should be avoided on the spiritual journey. 'Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitah': Dharma protects those who protect it, say the scriptures. If people come forward to foster the sources of Dharma, that good act, by itself, will help foster those who practice it. The scriptures direct us to revere the mother, father, preceptor and guest as God and also, warn us that Truth and Right Conduct should never be neglected. So, they offer clear dos and don’ts. Whatever is conducive to your progress in goodness, accept it; avoid other counsels—thus instruct the scriptures.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 10: "The Yogis".
“行动(Karma)”真正的意思,其实是对Dharma(义,法)的实践。在灵性旅程上,何者该做,何者不该做,印度圣典“奥义书” 为我们提供了指南。经典有云︰“护法者,法护之。” 如果人主动的去长养法源,则这项善行本身就会养护那些奉行它的人。经典教导我们要尊敬父母,师长,客人,视他们为神,还告诫我们,切莫忽视真理和义(法)。所以,何者“该”,何者“不该” ,交代得很清楚,对于那些能助你向善的劝告,接受之,其他的劝告则避免之──经典如是说。
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