主页 >> 赛的启示 |
022 斯瓦米指导我们培养正确思想的重要性。 |
May 11, 2011: Swami today guides us on the importance of cultivating the right thoughts.
Dwell always on noble thoughts. When air fills a balloon, it takes the form of the balloon. The mind assumes the form of the objects with which it is attached. If it gets fixed on petty things, it becomes petty; similarly, thinking about grand things, it becomes grand. The camera takes a picture of whatever it is pointed at; so take care before you click. Discriminate before you develop attachment. When you develop attachment towards family, wealth, properties, etc., you will come to grief when these decline. But if you develop attachment towards God, you will grow in love and splendour.
- Divine Discourse, January 29, 1965. |
永远抱持崇高的思想。空气一灌进气球,就以气球为其形状,心念也是以其所执着之物的形状为形状,若它专注于琐事,它就变得琐屑,若想着一些伟大的事,它就变得伟大。相机的镜头指向何物,拍出来的就是那个东西,所以按快门前要三思。在执着形成之前,要慎思明辨,若你对家庭、财富、资产等等产生执着,那么当这些东西衰败时,你就会悲伤。可是如果你对上帝产生执着,则你的爱和光辉会与日俱增。 |
[赛的启示] |