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018 当我们执行服务时,什么是必须牢记的重要原则?
May 5, 2011: What is the important principle to be kept always in mind when we do service? Swami guides us today. Cultivate the atmosphere of love and cooperation, and you can ensure joy forever more. Seek ways of working together for the common good. Ahamkaram and Mamakaram - the sense of ‘I’ and ‘mine’ - these prevent love and cooperation. Reduce them to the minimum and then start serving the needy and the distressed. Service is best built on the strong foundation of Tat Tvam Asi (That thou art). There is no other, there is only One. Many kites fly high, but the same air keeps all of them aloft. The pots of water in which the Sun is reflected may be many, but the Sun remains unaffected even when the pots break or the water is dried up. Understand that all help you render is therefore help given to yourself; all service is to the Self alone.
- Divine Discourse, Feb 23, 2009.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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Light Meditation Mantras
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New devotee 's Guideook Sarathana Sarathi
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