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012 斯瓦米今天与我们分享虔诚瑜伽(Bhakthi Yoga)的真髓 - 爱之路。
Apr 27, 2011: Swami today shares the essence of Bhakthi Yoga - the Path of love.

Bhakthi Yoga teaches people the path of Love – to love all as you love yourselves, and prosper by love. Then no harm can come to you. It will only spread joy and happiness to all. God is present in all beings as Love. They all endeavour to merge their love with the Ocean of Love that God is. Wherever Love is evident, take it that it is God’s own Love. God is the greatest Lover of mankind. Therefore, when anyone decides to serve humanity whom He loves, God showers Grace in plenty. When the human heart melts at the suffering of others and expands as a result of that sympathy, believe that God is present there. That is the sign of the validity of the path of devotion (Bhakthi Yoga).
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 10, "The Yogis".
「诚瑜伽(Bhakti Yoga︰虔诚瑜伽,奉爱瑜伽)」教人「爱」这条路子──爱众生如己,藉由爱而发达旺盛,这样你就不会遭受任何伤害,它只会散播快乐给众生。上帝以爱的形式寓居众生之内,众生都努力将它们的爱汇合没入上帝那爱的大海。何处明显有爱,要视之为那是上帝的爱。神是人类最伟大的爱人,因此,任何人立志为世人服务──而神爱世人,必蒙受其丰富恩典。当我们因见到别人受苦而起慈悲心,并因此种怜悯心而使自己的心量变得更广大时,要相信︰那儿有上帝。这就是「诚瑜伽」这条路正确可行的征兆。
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