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008 斯瓦米开导我们关于终极的真理。
Apr 19, 2011: Swami today enlightens us about the ultimate truth.

Those who assert that the Universe is real, but declare at the same time that the existence of God is but a dream, are only proving themselves ignorant. For when the effect, namely, the Cosmos is real, it must have a cause, for how can there be an effect without a cause? God can be denied only when the Universe is denied. What now appears as the Cosmos is really God. This is the vision that the true aspirant will get when he/she succeeds in their endeavour. As a matter of fact, the Universe we experience is the dream. When we awake from the dream, the truth of it being God will shine in the consciousness. From the beginning of time, the God whom we posit outside ourselves has been the reality inside us also. This truth will become steady with growing faith.
- Sathya Sai Vahini, Chap 10, "The Yogis"
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