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004 斯瓦米劝告我们以主罗摩(Lord Rama)所体现的理想来圣化我们的生活。
Apr 12, 2011: Swami exhorts us today to sanctify our lives by following the ideals exemplified by Lord Rama. Sathya (Truth) and Dharma (Right Conduct) are the two main teachings of Rama. Do not consider yourself as a mere human being. Develop full faith that you are none other than the Divine! The very same Atma that pervades the entire universe took a form and incarnated as Rama. You should take Sathya (Truth) as your very basis. You must sustain and promote Dharma (righteousness). Dharma is not confined to any particular place or country; it is present in all. It is born out of Sathya. What is Dharma? Dharayati iti dharmaha (that which sustains is Dharma). Some people wrongly limit Dharma to mere feeding of the poor or acts of charity. Dharma should flow from your own heart. Then, it should be put into practice. Do as you say; th at is your foremost duty. On the other hand, if you happen to say one thing and do something contrary to it, know that it connotes Adharma (unrighteousness). There should be perfect harmony between your thoughts, words and actions.
- Divine Discourse, April 7, 2006, “Experience the Sweetness of Rama's Name".
真理和「义」乃圣主罗摩的两大教诲,勿将自己视为仅仅是一个凡人,要有充分信心,相信自己与上帝无二无别!同样的阿特曼(Atma)充塞宇宙,同样的阿特曼化生为罗摩。你要以真理为本,要护持和提倡「义」。 「义」不局限于任何地区或国家,到处都有它,它出自真理。何谓「义」? 「义」乃支柱、支撑、维持也。有的人错误的将「义」局限在只是救济穷人或是慈善之举,「义」应该发自内心,然后要将其付诸实践。要言行一致,这是你最重要的职责。反之,若你说一套,做又是另一套,那就是「不义」。身(行动)、口(所说的)、意(所想的)要完全一致。

~~ 管仲.牧民篇
译者按︰今天是Rama Navami, 罗摩生日,赛师告诉我们,罗摩乃「义」之典范。
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