主页 >> 赛的启示 |
002 要体认自性,什么是我们必须做的? |
Apr 8, 2011: What is it that we must do to achieve realization of the Self? Swami enlightens us today.
A good character is essential for the realization of theAtma. In other words, all evil propensities have to be uprooted. Just as the army becomes dispirited and surrenders when its commander falls, so too, the army of evil qualities will surrender its arms as soon asahamkara (egotism) is destroyed. The evil qualities are all natives of the realm of anger, so if that region is destroyed, the soldiers can never again raise their heads. It is enough to accomplish this alone, for what can ‘commander-in-chief’ egotism achieve without a single soldier to march under his orders? So, all efforts must be directed to destroy the realm of anger so that no general can venture to let loose the hounds of war. Let each spiritual aspirant preserve the region of his mind in peace, by putting a stop to the rise of this commander and his soldiers. Let each spiritual aspirant bask forever under the smile of the ruler, the Atma. |
- Dhyana Vahini, Chap 5, "Cultivate the Blissful Atmic Experience." |
良好的品性为「见性成佛」(了悟真我)所不可或缺,换言之,所有恶的习性、嗜好都得根除。正如当指挥官倒下时,全军都会丧失斗志而投降,同样的,一旦「我执」被摧毁,邪恶习性的大军就会缴械投降。邪恶习性都是「嗔」之国的居民,所以若那块地方被摧毁,那些士兵就再也抬不起头来。能成就这一点就够了,因为连个可以听命前进的士兵都没有了,「元帅」──我执──还能做什么?所以,一切努力都应该针对「摧毁『嗔』之领土」,让将军无法开战得逞。让每位求道者制住这位指挥官和他的大军,来保持心田安详,让每位求道者永沐于统治者阿特曼(Atma︰真我)的微笑之下。 |
[赛的启示] |