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2023/04 Moment to Moment in Prayer
Inspirational Message received by Seema M. Dewan, December 9, 2011
Pray from the depth of your heart repeatedly........ Each time you pray be more sincere in your effort.......
Do not give up and doubt God’s presence that is always within you.
要从你内心深处不断地祈祷..... 每一次你祈祷时,都要更真诚地付出努力.....

Each time you pray....... each time you put in a little more sincerity in your prayer........
you shall overcome and conquer the little fears that come between you and God’s answer.........
每一次你祈祷时.... 你都要在每一次的祈祷中投入多一点的诚意....

God’s answer to your prayers are instantaneous....... It is you that delays in receiving it........
for you have given much understanding to your fears and have not grasped yet
the thread of faith that ties the knot of love between you and Him.
神对你祷告的回应是即时的.... 是你自己迟迟没有收到....

You fear that God’s answer may be different from what you think it should be.........
if you shall harbor that fear then you shall begin to fear prayer.......

You do not need to be special and perfect to receive an answer from God.......
you need to believe in the moment of your prayer with great intensity........
God shall reveal Himself to you......
and His answer you shall receive within your heart that very moment.

God’s answer shall always fill you with joy..... whether you asked or not for what He gave......
神的回答总会让你充满喜悦..... 不论你对祂所赐予的要求与否.....

Sometimes God gives what you need....... sometimes what you asked from Him........
and sometimes much more than you can know that present moment........
有时神提供你所需要的..... 有时提供你所要求的.....

There is nothing that is impossible for God to do.......
remember that when you pray to Him....... and remember that when you await His answer......
要记住这一点,当你向祂祈祷时.... 也要记住这一点,当你等候祂的回答时....

God does not explain His plans to you.......
You have to wait for it in silent prayer........ to unfold moment to moment........
你得在默默的祈祷中等着它.... 一刻接一刻地展现....

Say to the Lord, "O Lord I see you in my prayer in the present moment......
I shall speak Your name and enter its strength..... and I shall wait for You to do the miracle.....
and see the moment that is to come only when I still hold Your hand firmly in mine......
and in that moment I shall speak Your name..... I shall enter its strength.......
and spend the moment in thanking you.... once again....... for your Grace."
对主说,“噢 主,我在此刻的祈祷中看到你....
我要说出你的名字并进入其力量中..... 而我会等着你创造奇迹.....
并在那时刻,我会说出你的名字..... 我会进入其力量中.....
且在那一刻..... 再一次的..... 感谢你的恩典。”
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