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2021/09 Holding On…. To Grace….
抓牢.... 恩典....
Inspirational Message received by Seema M. Dewan, October 29, 2011
The best way of handling any uncertainty is by being certain of My presence…. My grace.... and My promise of protection....
应付任何不确定因素的最佳途径就是要确信‘我’的存在....‘我’的恩典.... 以及‘我’承诺的护佑....

The mind controls fear by planning.... keep the mind busy but at the same time be vigilant to see and welcome His will....
心念借计划去控制恐惧.... 要保持心念的忙碌,但同时也要提高警惕去观察和欢迎祂的意愿....

Faith is the preparation of the moment that stands before you, fully knowing that in the moment to come, God will show you the moment of His grace.

Be certain that God knows everything and is awaiting your faith in it….

Peace is in front of the one that stops chasing the lead of fear.

The angels of God await His command to reach and rescue you. God will send them the moment you turn fully toward Him.

Think of God.... talk to Him without any reservation.... ask Him for strength to face His will....
想着神.... 毫不保留地跟祂说话.... 要求祂给你力量以面对祂的意愿....

God is pleased always.... when you are sincere to please Him, it is then that His joy reaches and fills your heart.
神总是快乐的.... 当你真诚地取悦于祂时,于是祂的喜悦抵达并充满你的心。

A prayer is sincere when you have spoken to god from your heart and been true in thought and action in your every word.

Each and everyone has the grace of God.... Each and everyone has the purity to commune with Him.
每一个人都拥有神的恩典.... 每一个人都有纯净性去跟祂沟通。

Wait for God's grace with patience. Question your thought but never His command.

The best will surely come to you.... The gift of God is on your lap already....
最好的肯定会降临于你.... 神的礼物已经在你怀里了....

A trouble is a change that the mind had yet not foreseen….

The trouble passes the moment the mind surrenders to the strength of his soul.

The storm of the night shall pass if you are ready to spend the night in prayers of faith and awaken to the dawn that holds in it the promise of self realization.
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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