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2020/12 The Honorable Choice
Inspirational Message received by Seema M. Dewan, September 8, 2011
1. A “right” is an act which is done with the full awareness and guidance of one’s conscience.
“正义”是以完全觉知及遵循一个人的良心所达成的行动。 ...

2. You know instantly when you are in the wrong. Your heart is the first to let you know that there was purity lacking in the act performed.

3. If you have failed in pleasing your conscience you will never be at peace.

4. Do not think that a wrong done in the past can be buried in the heart. At some point the turbulence will surface once again and demand for your attention and efforts to cleanse it.

5. First place yourself fully and completely in the hands of God. Fill yourself with His Glorious Smile. Reflect His joy that flows within you. Then only give your mind the permission to think. Every thought that enters then shall be filtered by the faith of the Lord’s presence that flows within you.

6. Be aware of goodness alone. Do not attach yourself to the efforts and gains. The moment you become aware of that you will lose the spontaneity of being good and will instead begin to focus on the “prepared” act of goodness!

7. Your first duty is to honor and listen to the voice of the conscience. Your every other duty depends on how much you are able to follow your first duty…

8. Even the slightest disobedience to the conscience can cause turmoil within.

9. You live with your Self first… How much you respect your Self will show in how much you respect all else and others at all times.
你要先接受你的自性... 你尊重你的自性的程度将会展示出你每时每刻对所有其他人的尊重程度。

10. You may begin an act with the right intention and then in the midst of it sway from it. Don’t defend yourself by remembering your initial intention... instead find where you lost yourself… find the place where the right intention slowly turned toward a fearful expectation.
你或许怀着正确的动机去开始一个行动,然后半途却改弦易调。不要自圆其说,假借在记忆中犹有你最初的动机... 反而要去寻找你在哪儿迷失你自己... 寻找那个正确的动机逐渐转向可怕的期盼的地方。

11. If you are in the complete truth… if you have honored the inner voice of God… if you have believed at every moment in your Self then there is nothing to prove to anyone. Time will tell the story… all you need to do is to be patient and immersed in God’s will.
如果你是在完整的真理中... 如果你已尊重神的内在声音... 如果你已在每一刻都相信你的自性,那么你没有必要向任何人证明什么。时间会告诉事情的来龙去脉... 你需要做的就是保持耐心并融入于神的意愿中。

12. Whenever you have deceived your conscience it will be apparent in the fear your eyes shall hold. However much you may try to hide it, the one of pure heart shall see the fear and know the untruth that hides within.

13. The one that declares his consciousness will disrespect his Self. When one disrespects his Self he will be ashamed within, no matter what fame… and worldly wealth he gains in life.
宣扬自己的觉悟的人对其自性不敬。如果一个人不敬其自性,他的内心会感到羞愧,不论他一生中赚取什么声望... 和世俗财富。

14. The conscience will always be impartial to desire. That is why a man that harbors his desire shall always be pulled toward the thoughts of his gain rather than the voice of truth that roots him in purity and simplicity.

15. The Guru is within you… No matter how much you fail to follow the voice of truth… He shall continue to guide you from within. He shall never blame you or pin you down to the acts of your past. He awaits your full attention… your complete awareness of Him residing within you. And once you have turned toward Him and held His hand you shall slowly take the steps of transformation in which you witness your own misunderstanding of your Self walk toward the realization of the truth that you are… was… and always will be…
导师寓于你之内... 不管你有多么不听真理的声音... 祂还是继续自内在指引你。祂决不会责怪你或要你承担过去之所为。祂等待着你的全神贯注... 你对祂寓于你之内的完全觉知。而一旦你转向祂并握住祂的手,你将会慢慢地踏上改造的脚步,在其内,你见证你自己对你自性的误解而步上认识你现在... 过去... 及永远都是...的真相。

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