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2020/03 A Thing that Needs No Receiving 不需要收受的一样东西
Inspirational Message received by Seema M. Dewan, June 29, 2011
Practice pure and unconditional love. No matter how difficult and impossible things may appear, if you practice to love alone…… no matter what….. the difficulty shall diminish and the effort and love shall return to you as the boon of peace!
要实行纯净而无条件的爱。无论事物看起来似乎有多么的困难和不可能,如果你实习只去爱... 不管什么... 困难势必减轻而那努力和爱将以平静的恩惠回归于你!

You are limitless in strength… you are endless in love…. you are the beginning of truth…. repeat that to yourself when you experience fears….. say to yourself, “I can either become a prisoner to my limitations, or, at this very moment, I can break the chains of ignorant selfishness and free myself into the ocean of love.”
你的力量是无限的... 你的爱是无止境的... 你是真理的开始... 当你体验到恐惧时,向自己重复这些话... 对你自己说,“我要么成为我的局限的囚徒,要么,就在此刻,破除无知的私心的锁链,而释放我自己进入爱的海洋。”

Conditional love is love that wishes to give only for it to be returned much more than what was given….. such love pierces the heart of the giver when it is initially given and he hopes that the return of love shall heal his wound. Little does he realize that his expectation of return keeps increasing and no matter how much love was returned, he is already weeping with the many wounds that he himself has inflicted upon his self in the unreal expectations of return.

有条件的爱就是希望施与而得到比施与更多回报的爱... 这样的爱,最初施与时,会刺穿施与者的心,而他希望爱的回报将治愈其伤口。殊不知他回报的期盼不断地增加,而不管多少爱已获回报,他已经因诸多负伤而哭泣,而这些受伤都是他因不切实际的回报期盼而施加于自身的。
When you expect God to love you as you are…. then you too must practice the same love toward all your brothers and sisters. 当你期盼神爱你如你现在这样... 那么你也要对你所有的兄弟姐妹们实行同样的爱。

Even if a fraction of love that you gave is not returned, you should turn to the God that resides within you and say, “O Lord, I utilized the gift of love that You gave to me. I know that it has reached the one that You willed to receive. I know he is at peace, and now, Lord, I wish to ask You to give me the strength to remember that You have done Your work through my body, and I must now patiently await for your next task and forget the work that has already been completed by You….”
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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