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2020/02 Moment to Moment 一刻接一刻
Inspirational Message received by Seema M. Dewan, June 16, 2011
Let the heart be clean… always… from all negative impulses. Negativity is an impulse that arises due to a deep feeling of unfulfillment. When one desires happiness, one often steps his Self into the muddy puddles of improper thoughts. Such thoughts lead one to be unpeaceful. As a result of this unpeacefulness, one acts upon a negative impulse. What is wrong becomes, in an instant, right only for that time and circumstance. One is led by the desire to be wrong only to bring temporary fulfillment within. Of course, a negative impulse leads to greater negativity always…
让心... 常常... 净化自所有负面的冲动。消极情绪是一种冲动,产生自一个深沉的不满足感觉。当一个人渴望快乐时,他往往践踏自身(自性),使之陷入不正确思想的泥坑里。这样的思想引人进入不平静的状况。由于这不平静,一个人按负面的冲动行动。错误,立即,就只在那个时候和情况,变成正确。一个人被欲望所误导而犯错,这只会给他带来短暂的内在满足。当然,一个负面的冲动总是导致更大的消极情绪...

Do not expect anything ever… Do not wish… want… plan… or try to predict what stands before you. Concentrate at every moment on the moment itself. Be Self-assured first… Be Self-confident that you can face whatever time brings to you. Clean your heart immediately the moment you begin to feel that a negative energy is pulling you out of your peaceful moment.
决不对任何事物有所期盼... 不希望... 不想要... 不计划... 或试图对你所面临的事物做出预测。每一刻都专注于那一刻本身。首先要自满自足... 要自信以便你能面对时间所带来的任何情境。立即清洗你的心,就在你开始感到一个负面的能量正将你从你平静的时刻中拉出来的瞬间。

Nothing is worth to leave the present moment and go to a moment ahead. One can only chew one morsel at a time… One can only take one step at a time. One can only be in one place at one time. Choose the place where peace resides. Refuse to be pulled forward or backward into past messes and future worries. Retreat into the heart where God has filled you with peace. Refuse to react on your negative impulses. Question them… Analyze why they have suddenly sprung… Show them a vision of peace and goodness… Nothing withstands the strength of truth… You have to first realize that the environment you dwell in comes from you… your thoughts…the words you choose speak and the act you decide to do… You have built your own kingdom and it depends on how much faith you have in yourself and what you know and understand yourself to be…
没有什么是值得你离开目前的一刻而转入前面的一刻。一个人只能一次咀嚼一小口食物... 一个人只能一步一步地走。一个人某一刻只能处于一个地方。要选择平静存在之处。要拒绝被前后拉扯到过去的混乱与未来的忧虑之中。退入你的心,在那里神已填满了平静。拒绝对你的负面冲动作出反应。质问它们... 分析为什么它们会突然涌现... 展示给它们一个平静与良善的视像... 无物能承受得了真理的力量... 首先你得认知你所处在的环境是从你那儿来的... 你的思想... 你所选用的语言及你所决定去做的事情... 你已建立了你自己的王国而它依靠你对自己有多大的信心而定,同时也依靠你知道和理解你自己多少...

Be strong… Hold onto the moment… Fill it with peace… There is no outside force that diminishes your joy and bliss… The moment you forget your Self for a moment and reach for peace you shall be bound to a moment’s impulse and lifetimes of repentance…
要坚强... 抓住当下... 充之以平静... 没有外在力量可以减少你的喜悦和至福... 当你暂时忘掉你的自身(自性)而伸手可得平静的那一刻,你将被一时的冲动所束缚而终生懊悔...
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