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The Play of Love 爱的游戏
Inspirational Message received by Seema M. Dewan, June 1, 2011
God is merciful and kind to all. When He sees His devoted children that cry and weep to be in His presence, He, Himself, takes the form of the body to come and live amongst His dear children. He plays the game of love with them… teases them by keeping them close for a moment and then afar the next. He teaches them to live with little, yet give to those that they can serve… Every moment, He cleanses their heart by living the life of purity and simplicity Himself… He scolds them until they are strong in their hearts. He convinces them to uplift their weak minds. When His children weep before Him as they fall… He laughs for He knows that His love shall break the fall. He gives to them His name as their protection and whenever they call Him…. He stands by them and places His angels right before their fears… He gives to them His Self… fully and completely. They, too, in this love divine, forget who they are… how time passed… what difficulties came their way… what pain they bore… who came… who left… They just wake up to the smile of their Lord and they sleep to His name.
神对一切众生都是仁慈的、亲切的。当祂看见祂虔诚的孩子哭泣着要和祂在一起,祂自己采取肉身的形式到来并生活在祂亲爱的子女当中。祂与他们玩着爱的游戏... 祂戏弄他们,时或与他们亲近,时或疏远。祂教导他们简朴生活就足够,却要施予那些他们可以服务的人... 每一刻,祂凭借祂自己过着纯净而简朴的生活去清洗他们的心... 祂责备他们直到他们的心坚强起来为止。祂说服他们提升他们脆弱的心念。当祂的孩子们因跌倒而在祂面前哭泣时... 祂莞尔而笑因为祂知道祂的爱会减弱跌倒的力道。祂把祂的名字给他们作为保护而每当他们呼唤祂时..... 祂庇护他们并安置祂的天使去面对他们的恐惧... 祂把祂的自性给他们... 完全地和完整地。在这圣爱之中,他们也一样会忘记他们是谁... 时间如何流逝... 遇到了什么困难... 承受了什么痛苦... 谁到来... 谁离去... 他们只会醒来看到他们的主的微笑以及听着祂的名字而入睡。
Then comes the time the Lord comes to them and His eyes say with silence, “The body that I have taken must return to nature. And even though I will always be with you, the game of love that we played together must end for now… Tell Me, O Child, what do you want?”
然后,时间到了,主来见他们而祂的眼睛默默地说,“我所采取的身体必须回归自然。而即便我会一直与你们同在,我们在一起玩的爱的游戏现在就要结束了... 告诉我,噢 孩子,你想要什么?”
The Child bows to the Love Supreme… The tears flows… the lips quiver… the hands fold and the body bends in reverence before the feet of the Lord… The Child says, “O Sweet Lord that dwells in my heart… my story I tell to you… even though You know all… You alone speak through the love that You placed within me. Hence, I shall answer with the word that You have spoken from within only so that a child that is lost can find You once again….
那孩子向至高无上的爱鞠躬... 眼泪不禁夺眶而出... 嘴唇颤抖... 两手合十而身体崇敬地弯屈于主的足下... 孩子说,“噢,寓于我心里的温馨的主... 我告诉祢我的故事... 纵使祢知道一切... 只有祢一个人通过祢置于我之内的爱说话。因此,我将以祢从内在说的话来回答以便一个迷失的孩子能再一次找到祢...
O Sweet One that makes me breathe… to You I answer. Even though I shall see You in the body no more, I shall live until my last moments with all the memories of the love that you filled me with. I shall take your teachings and bring them to life by living their truth myself… And in the moment You scolded me, I shall take from them the love that You had sowed and foster that love into the tree of values. And in the sacred moments You played within me, I shall recite their stories that the world shall hear and learn from them of Your love. Your love shall live in me, O Lord, and my heart shall say only Your name. You, O Lord, gave to me before I asked… before I knew what I really wanted… Then what can I ask now, O Lord? All I know is that You are there… and that whatever comes to me the next moment is Your gift of will that shall keep me safe…
噢,让我呼吸的温馨者... 对祢我回答。纵使我不再见到祢于肉身,伴我度过余生的将是祢充满于我之内的一切爱的回忆。我将采纳祢的教导并凭借自己依据教导的真理去生活而把教导活现出来... 而在祢责备我的那一刻,我将从它们那儿采取祢已播下的爱,并把那爱培植到价值的大树里。而在祢游戏于我之内的圣洁时刻,我将背诵它们的故事,让世界听到并从中得知祢的爱。祢的爱将活在我之内,噢 主,而我的心将只诉说祢的名字。祢,噢 主,在我要求之前... 在我知道我真正想要的是什么之前,就已成全我... 那我现在还能要求什么,噢 主?我所知道的就是祢在那儿... 而下一刻,不论是什么事情降临我身上,那都是祢的意愿的礼物,那维护我的安全的礼物...
I shall speak to you, O Lord, from my heart to Your heart. I shall know, O Lord, that You are there for I shall feel the peace within as I speak to You. I shall know that You are there each time my heart will leap, as I say Your name. I shall know You are there each time I remember Your love and my eyes shall tear. I shall know that You are there when I shall follow the truth and feel strong. I shall know that You are there when I shall tell Your stories of our love together and laugh aloud… I shall know that You are there when one thanks me for taking them to You and Your love…
我将跟祢说话,噢 主,从我的心到祢的心。我将会知道,噢 主,祢在那儿,因为当我跟祢说话时,我会感到内在的平和。我将会知道祢在那儿,每当我说出祢的名字而我的心会跳跃时。我将会知道祢在那儿,每当我记得祢的爱而我的眼睛会流泪时。我将知道祢在那儿,当我遵循真理而感到坚强时。我将会知道祢在那儿,当我述说祢所讲的有关我们的爱的故事而哈哈大笑时... 我将会知道祢在那儿,当有人感激我把他们带到祢和祢的爱那儿时...
I shall know that You are there for I shall feel Your embrace every time I think of You. Yes! O Lord that played the game of love with me, You left this body only when You knew fully that I was complete in You…
And I, O Lord, ask you to always keep me in this play in which I lived… loved and played the game of love with You.
而我,噢 主,请求祢一直维持我于这游戏中,我活在其中... 爱祢并与祢一起玩这爱的游戏。
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