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2018/06 Eleven Sacred Vows十一个圣洁的愿心
Inspirational Message received by Seema M. Dewan, April 29, 2011
  1. Prasanthi Nilayam is My Heavenly Abode and in it I have placed forever My blessings of the highest peace that My devotees will always receive...

  2. Whatever may be the troubles of My devotees as soon as they place their feet in this heavenly abode…they will find immediate solace for I will accept upon Myself their troubles…wipe their tears and send them with renewed strength and a higher level of consciousness.
    不论‘我的’信徒有什么麻烦,只要他们一踏入这天国的住所... 他们立即得到慰藉,因为‘我’会亲自承受他们的麻烦... 拭干他们的眼泪并送给他们以更新的力量及一个更高的意识层次。

  3. Where My body has been put to rest I still remain there fully awake listening and responding to every need of My devotee.

  4. If you place your faith in My Sacred Abode and come to Me believing fully that I am there to receive you then you shall find your fears vanish and My love shall reach your heart in a wave of sweet joy.

  5. Even the dust that touches your feet in this Holy Abode of Peace shall tell you the stories of My eternal love for you…the rustle of the leaves shall sing to you songs of My compassion for you…even the birds and animals that freely roam My abode shall recognize My presence and shall awaken you from the doubts that I have left you alone...
    在这神圣的平和住所里,甚至那触及你的脚的尘埃将告诉你,我对你永恒的爱的故事... 树叶的沙沙声会把我怜悯你的歌曲唱给你听... 就连在我住所自由出入的鸟兽也会认得‘我的’存在,并把你从‘我留下你独自一人’的怀疑中唤醒…

  6. All will still be the same. I promise you that…I will make each of My devotees fulfilled…My Divine energy shall continue to transform the heart…You must only have faith that I am doing My task and you must give Me your full effort to rise and become expansive in purity and Divine love.
    所有一切还是保持不变。我答应你... 我会使‘我的’每一个信徒满足...‘我神圣的能量’将会继续改造心... 你必须相信我正在执行我的任务,而你必须给‘我’,你全副的心力去提升,并于纯净与圣爱中拓展壮大。

  7. Whenever the songs of God’s praise shall be sung I shall dance amongst you…losing Myself in you and you in turn shall forget all your worldly troubles and lose yourself in My Self Awareness.
    不论什么时候你赞唱神的歌曲,我都会在你们之中翩翩起舞... 把我自己沉湎于你之中,而你反过来会忘掉所有世俗的苦恼,同时,让你自己沉浸在‘我的自性觉知’中

  8. Do not fear My dear ones… You are mine and I will always be yours…I am always with you and you are always with Me…I am always looking after you…there is nothing that will remain unfinished if you know that I am still residing in My Holy Abode.
    我亲爱的信徒,切莫害怕... 你是我的而我一直是你的... 我一直与你同在而你也一直与我同在... 我一直照顾着你... 没有任何事物将被搁置,如果你知道我还是住在‘我的神圣住所’。

  9. Prasanthi Nilayam is My Heavenly Abode…and I came to build this heaven for you…I shall rest here always…My devotees come here and go but I always stay here…I will always wait for you here…and every time you come you shall carry within your heart more peace…more love…more strength and more of My truth…
    百善地尼乐园是‘我的天国的住所’... 而我是来为你建造这天国的... 我将一直安歇在这里... 我的信众来来往往,但我一直住在这里... 我一直在这里等你... 而每一次你到来,你的内心将持有更多的平和... 更多的爱... 更多的力量及更多的‘我的’真理...

  10. I will always live for the sake of My devotees. Even though I have left the body My Self in Atma resides in every atom of this home that I built for you …

  11. Do not weep…My devotees are everything to Me…I bless you that you shall gather your strength…you shall dive deep in the truth that I have revealed to you and you shall return with vigor and joy to My Holy Abode…I shall wait for you…for I love you more than My Self and one day you shall realize My love for you and release once and forever your fears of being alone…and without Me…
    不要哭泣... 我的信徒是我的一切... 我祝福你,你会集合你的力量... 你将深深地潜入于我已揭露给你的真理中,而你将会带着魄力与喜悦回到‘我的神圣住所’... 我会等着你... 因为我爱你甚于我自己,而有朝一日,你会体认我给你的爱,进而一劳永逸地释放你那因孤独... 及没有我... 而产生的恐惧...
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