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2018/02 Hari Bhajan Bina...攀登人生高峰的灵性秘诀
Sainath Bina Parmatma Nahi





























优美的歌曲结束了,但求道者攀登灵道之高山则才开始。生命的目标必须聚焦。旅程必须起步。灵修必须启动。体验必须获得。知识必须开花。这必须结成智慧的果实而只有在智慧里,超脱才能达至而这超脱的最后报偿就是内在的平和与福乐 -- 每一个人在世上付出努力的要点。愿斯瓦米祝福我们一劳永逸地达到超脱……….

Hari Bhajan Bina...Spiritual Tips to climb the mountain of life
by Professor Dr. Suresh Govind
Chapter 9
Sainath Bina Parmatma Nahi
… Continue from Part 1
Hence Swami has said that God alone will be with us but the seeker might at this point want to know what God looks for in his devotees.

‘God looks for your devotion and not your abilities. He looks into your mind rather than at your wealth. He judges you by your virtues and not by your caste. He is concerned about what you think, more than about the religion you profess. He is intent on attracting your heart and not your wealth. But today people imagine that God can be propitiated by the offer of money. This is due to the devotee’s ignorance.’

The splendour of Paramatma was once told by Swami,

‘No one can conceive the Almighty without picturing it as Power, Light, Mercy, Wisdom, Energy, Intelligence, and Purity. ‘

Therefore, the concluding line of the song indicates that without repeating the name of the Lord one can never merge with God. In the second line of the song the technique of repetition of the Lord’s name was elaborately discussed. The technique indicated in that line is a call to the seeker to take up the exercise deliberately to bestow the individual Anand or Bliss. The blades of a fan continue to move despite the switch being put off. In the same way the concluding line of the song indicates that the mind must continue to dwell on the name which eventually merges the individual to the supreme when his life is switched off. Wherever we go and in all circumstances the mind is trained to constantly remember the Lord. This will create closeness to the teacher. Swami has said,

‘Carry on with the companionship of the name of the Lord: this constant remembrance is the best antidote for all this. ’

This concluding line of the song speaks of the intimacy one should develop with the manifested embodiment of divine consciousness. We must make God as our friend.

Swami has said,

‘Keeping God as your guide and saviour, whatever work you may do will yield sure success. All other friends may be with you as long as you have wealth, but the moment you lose everything, the friends will desert you. God is the only friend who will be ever with you. He is always with you, in you, and beside you. Therefore the only way for prosperity is to develop friendship with the Lord.’

The seeker might at this point want a clarification of what the meaning of friendship is.

Swami has said,

‘The feeling of friendship must activate every nerve, permeate every blood cell and purify every emotional wave. It has no place for the slightest trace of egoism. You cannot elevate the companionship which seeks to exploit or fleece for personal benefit, into the noble quality of friendship. Perhaps the only friend who can pass this rigorous test is God.’

Therefore the call appears to urge seekers not to put God far away high in the heavens but to see Him in everyone and to always feel that He is there beside you.

Swami has said,

‘True Love consists of serving the Lord, recognising the Lord in everyone in the same way. He is the closest and dearest friend. Forgetting such a dear friend, you are taking shelter with others who are not real friends.’

Swami has even said,

‘God is your friend, closer than even your own mother and father. He exists in you in the form of the self. What I am conveying to you is the simple truth. What greater truth can I convey?’

Hence the call is to develop a close friendship with the Lord and treat Him as how we would treat our parents with love and respect. In fact Swami has said,

‘You become a devotee when God has acknowledged your devotion. The ego is the greatest obstacle in the way of such acceptance. God has said, He who is my devotee is my friend.’

How does God acknowledge one’s devotion? The seeker might at this point want to know what God looks for in his devotees.

‘God looks for your devotion and not your abilities. He looks into your mind rather than at your wealth. He judges you by your virtues and not by your caste. He is concerned about what you think, more than about the religion you profess. He is intent on attracting your heart and not your wealth. But today people imagine that God can be propitiated by the offer of money. This is due to the devotee’s ignorance.’

This antidote will increase the seeker’s inner bliss and thereby will depend less and less on the outer world for happiness and joy. This constant remembrance of the Lord will enhance his spirit of detachment while living in the world. Swami has said,

‘The birth of detachment in man assures him, of the birth of bliss in him. Even if people practise for ages, they do not radiate Divine splendour as long as their minds are sunk in the waters of sensual pleasures. There is no salvation for man as long as his mind and heart do not become one, aflame with Divine Radiance.’

The seeker might ask `Swami, how can one easily remember the lord at all times?’

The Sathya Sai Organisation facilitates this process for if the members constantly render selfless service to the poor, sick and needy and promote consciousness for human values in society, if one is constantly thinking how one can contribute positively to individual, family and national welfare, how, this can be done to excellence and offering the fruits of actions to God, then the seeker consciously and unconsciously has thoughts dwelling on Divinity at all times.

Swami says,

‘The main goal of the Sai Organisation is to enable members, workers and officers to lead ideal perfect and happy lives. Therefore we must live up to the high ideals of the organisation and transform ourselves into ideal beings thus helping others to follow our example.’

Hence therefore the best way of transforming ourselves is to constantly be with fellow seekers and render our heart to fulfil the organisational objectives.

‘Good opportunities come rarely. Once lost, they may not recur. Making good use of the present opportunity, see that the Sai organisations grow from day to day. Every heart should be purified. Every mind should be full of happiness. Love even your enemies. Treat the one whom hates you as your friend.’

The beautiful song ends but for the seekers the climb has begun. The goal of life must be focused. The journey must commence. The spiritual practises must start. The experience must be gained. Knowledge must blossom. This must ripen into wisdom and it is only in wisdom that freedom can be gained and the ultimate reward of this Freedom is Inner Peace and Happiness - the sum and substance of all man’s endeavour on Earth. May Swami bless us to be free once and for all……….

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