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2016/11 Hari Bhajan Bina...攀登人生高峰的灵性秘诀
Hari Naam Bina Anand Nahi
( 若不念诵圣号,福乐岂能洋溢)







‘当空气被注入气球后,它采取气球的形相 —— 椭圆形、圆柱形、球形或扁球形。同样,心念采取它所执着的客体形相。是故,人应该心系于高尚思想,因为,如果心念固定于小事物,它就变得微不足道了。’




















导师必须能够为持有不同情绪和性情的不同的求道者提供解决问题的方法。对一个智力稍显优势而已拥有一个Satva Guna(好的属性)基调的求道者,导师推荐的‘坚持主的名号’就变得有效和方便多了。那样的爬山者会不断地向上眺望山峰以获得鼓舞,继续攀登。其余的人,其心念被过去的习性与倾向所迷惑,并且充满着激质和翳质的属性,大多数都向下看(过去),他们会感到失望和哀伤,而向上看高山(未来)则会使他们感到恐惧和惊慌失措。他们忘记了峇峇的不断提醒,

‘往者已矣 -- 忘掉吧!来者不确定 -- 别恐惧。活在当下 -- 因为当下是无所不在的。’


Hari Bhajan Bina...Spiritual Tips to climb the mountain of life
by Professor Dr. Suresh Govind
Chapter 2 (2)
Hari Naam Bina Anand Nahi
…Continue from Part 1
Swami has numerous times mentioned that,

‘I am God…You are also God.’

To become godly surely must mean to acquire divine qualities and attributes. If the intellect is trained to contemplate on the ideals or attributes of the divine form chosen while the lips utter the name, then slowly but surely the intellect gains a blue print of a facet if not the total perfection and ideals, that one should strive for. The intellect passes the blue-print to the mind.

Swami has said,

‘The mind assumes the form of the objects with which it is attached. If it gets fixed on small things, it becomes small; when fixed on grand things, then it becomes grand.’

The teacher must always speak the language of the student and Swami in his compassionate mood comes down to our level to explain further the same point.

Swami says,

‘When air fills a balloon, it takes the form of the balloon-oval, sausage shaped, spherical or spheroid. Likewise, mind assumes the form of the objects with which it is attached. Hence, man should dwell on high thoughts, as the mind becomes petty if it gets fixed on small things.’

Hence the mind now assumes the perfect ideal or goal it should move towards indicated by the name and the form of the lord. As the thought so the man and therefore as the habits change, character also change forcing the personality to also change.

Swami brings out the point of how to use the technique of chanting the Lord’s name effectively in his own style. Swami says,

‘All of you have great love and adore Swami but that love and adoration are of no use if you ignore the teachings of Swami. Even if you do not adore, if you believe in the truth of the word and enforce it in your daily life, Swami’s grace will always be with you in your life. It is no use if you simply utter the name of the Lord and do not follow the good things that go with the Lord. It is just like uttering the name of penicillin when you are running a high temperature. Only when you take in the penicillin will the temperature come down. When you are hungry, the hunger cannot be satisfied by uttering words like potato and chapatti. If you eat them, it will be satisfied. It is no use if you only listen. You must try to remember the discourses you have listened to during the month, put them into practise and judge for yourself how far you have acted according to the world.’

Swami therefore stresses that attributes and qualities of Gods must not just be chanted but lived. Swami illustrates this point in a beautiful story from the Ramayan,

‘……Bharat runs after his beloved brother Sri Ram after realising the foolishness of how his mother had banished Sri Ram into the forest. He tries to persuade Sri Ram to return to Ayodhya but Sri Ram insisted that a sons duty is to listen to his parents and therefore he should spent the stipulated time of 14 years in the forest. Bharat knowing that his brothers determined nature had to give up his persuasion and returned contended that he at least has his brother’s sandals. For the next 14 years these sandals were kept on the throne and worshipped first before the execution of any order was made by Bharat. He would look to the sandals and imagine as if Sri Ram was ruling the land. Bharat ruled Ayodhya justly and with great care and love almost how Sri Ram would have ruled. When 14 years passed Bharat rushed out from the palace with great speed and rode out to meet his brother. When finally they did, tears were exchanged and both rode back to Ayodhya in the same chariot laughing and exchanging news of all those lost years. It is said that the people of Ayodhya could not differentiate who was Sri Ram and who was Bharat for Bharat had grown to be so physically alike to Sri Ram. Bharat the subject became like Sri Ram, for his intense yearning and constant discharge of obligations and duties in the name of Sri Ram transformed him to be the object of worship.’

The story illustrates what Baba has said many times,

‘Dust if you think of,, dust you are, God if you think of, God you are…thoughts are things, as you think you become.’

But to remember and chant the Lord’s name needs time and especially in the modern world of rush and dash to meet obligations and commitments one has hardly any time for such practises and most often the younger ones will postpone the practise to an older age.

Swami is quick to remind us that,

‘Time flies fast. Like a block of ice, it melts soon and flows away like water held in a leaky pot, drop by drop. The time allotted for one’s life passes off quite soon. So, be vigilant, be warned. Be alert and aware. Seek the shelter of the lord and transform every moment into a sacred celebration’.

In another speech Swami warns us,

`It is no mean achievement to get the Name of the Lord on one’s tongue at the last breath. It needs practice of many years based on deep-seated faith. It needs a strong character, without hatred or malice, for the thought of God cannot survive in the climate of pride and greed. And how do you know which moment is the last? Yama, the God of death, does not give notice of his arrival.’

The practise of chanting or reciting the name must begin when one is young.

Swami advises us,

‘Do not wait until you are past middle age to practise the Sadhana of Naamsmaran. There are some parents who tell their children that they can take up religious practises in their old age. But a straight plant means a straight tree; a bent plant can never grow into a straight tree. So the Sadhana has to be followed from a tender age.’

There are some mountain climbers who try to climb and after some time they give up the climb and slip back to the original point where they started. In the same way inconsistent practise of reciting the name cannot bring results. Swami is quick to remind us that,

‘The Smaran has to be constant. If you rub a bit of iron on a hard surface, it develops heat. If you continue to rub it vigorously it can be red hot. If you do so between intervals, the iron will become cold and all the effort up till then is waste. The work has to be repeated over again.’

Hence Bhagavan in the second line of the song indicates that the peace and happiness one gains from Bhajans can be further anchored into bliss by `holding on’ to the name of the Lord (and in the process manifesting the Divine qualities of the Name). The 108 names glorifying Swami and the different names, qualities and attributes of the Hindu gods and goddess uttered by the priest every day during prayers in the temples is to facilitate an auto-suggestive process in the mind of the seeker. This raises his own self-esteem and image to perfection and grandeur, liberating himself from his limited ego, experiencing bliss to the fullest.

The seeker at this point may still have a doubt…`yes I agree Swami but surely this methodology is for those who have gained some quietude or some already-found solace. But my mind is far too stormy. My boat is already leaking with many holes punctured as a result of my careless steering into sharp edges of rocks and boulders. At this point Bhagavan, to maintain equipoise and silently withdraw from my mental pre-occupation is not possible’.

A teacher must be able to provide a solution to different seekers with different moods and temperaments. For a seeker whose intelligence is slightly more predominant and already possessing an ambience of Satva Guna, the teacher’s recommendation of `holding on to the Lords name’ becomes more valid. Such mountain climbers will constantly look up to the peak of the mountain to gain inspiration to continue the climb. The rest of the people whose mind is riddled by past habits and trends and is full of rajasic and tamasic gunas mostly continue to look down (i.e. the past) is disappointed and sorrow and look up the mountains (the future) with fear and trepidation. They forget Baba’s constant reminder,

‘The past is gone-forget it! The future is uncertain-do not have fear. Live in the present-for the present is omnipresent.’

Such individuals in their daily undertakings cannot find fulfilment (Uddhar). Like the deer that kept running away from Sri Ram, into the deeper portions of the jungle, our minds wander hopelessly into the sensuous jungles of passion and desire, enhancing the turbulence in the already agitated mind. Nothing pleases them and external object of gratification can appease such a mind only for a moment before it leads to another object. This lack of inner satisfaction and happiness makes them temple and guru hoppers, begging God to solve their problems, asking God to grant them peace and their desired objects so that fulfilment can be experienced.

To such mountain climbers who lacks a steadiness and a sense of purpose in their journey and to those who take too frequent breaks with long intervals between the climb upwards, the song cries out…
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