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2016/08 Hari Bhajan Bina...引言
Hari Bhajan Bina Sukh Shanti Nahi 若不赞唱神荣耀,何来安宁和欢喜
Hari Naam Bina Anand Nahi 若不念诵圣号,福乐岂能洋溢
Prem Bhakti Bina Uddhaar Nahi 若非爱和虔诚,超脱焉可期
Guru Seva Bina Nirvan Nahi 若非尊师重道,救赎难成立
Japa Dhyan Bina Samyog Nahi 念圣号,修禅定,必证三摩地
Prabhu Darsha Bina Pragyan Nahi 若不渴望体认神,智慧难开启
Daya Dharma Bina Satkarma Nahi 怀仁爱,行正义,才是功德的实例
Bhagavan Bina Koi Apana Nahi 除了神而外,无人真正属于你
Sainath Bina Parmatma Nahi 赛是神首,至尊神首我皈依
‘Hari Bhajan Bina’这首圣歌,经常在薄伽梵斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇讲道结束之前,由祂亲自优美地唱出;本质上,它总结了过去73年来祂所提供的教导与讲演。这首歌曲抓住了‘Srimad Bhagavad Geeta’(圣典薄伽梵歌)的18章里所反映的信息精华。其注释涉及解释歌曲中的4大瑜伽(Yogas),同时也反映于9大行为准则之中;这行为准则是斯瓦米信徒所必须遵守的。歌曲共有9行,每一行有其不同的含意。每一行都浸濡着许多隐喻。

在古代大师们的典型风格里,他们用一种必须具备严格的,内在的,精深的反省和静虑的言辞来传播真理。。。这首歌‘Hari Bhajan Bina’也拥有多个层面意义的歌词,当我们认真深思时,它就会反映我们自己的良知。在理解了表达于这些简单的诗体言辞的灵性指针之后,我们就有能力弹射我们内在的思维以臻达理想主义的最高点。



‘Hari Bhajan Bina’不仅仅是一首歌。。。它是一个求道者必备的导引图,里面包含了完整的灵性提示和微调。在其科学化的指导下,作曲者以满满的爱心在歌曲里指明,如果一个人接受挑战去开始旅程,他所将面临的种种陷阱的警惕及预防措施。。。

把人生分为灵性的与物质主义的两个部分常使人感到困惑,于是,薄伽梵祂本人已经说过了,一切都是灵性的。在此歌之内,劝导的特色所散发的芬芳是不应该只在于达到灵性目标上,而把它分隔起来。灵修者必须知道,完成世俗的义务与责任,承担和道义所要求的技艺,而Hari Bhajan Bina这首歌成了现成的简易而分门别类的工具包;倘若好好加以利用,你就有能力成为一位完美地依据赛福音而生活的化身,从而或许能圆满大师的梦想,即,我们都成为祂的福音。




Hari Bhajan Bina...Spiritual Tips to climb the mountain of life
by Professor Dr. Suresh Govind
Hari Bhajan Bina Sukh Shanti Nahi
Hari Naam Bina Anand Nahi
Prem Bhakti Bina Uddhaar Nahi
Guru Seva Bina Nirvan Nahi
Japa Dhyan Bina Samyog Nahi
Prabhu Darsha Bina Pragyan Nahi
Daya Dharma Bina Satkarma Nahi
Bhagavan Bina Koi Apana Nahi
Sainath Bina Parmatma Nahi
The celestial song, Hari Bhajan Bina, often melodiously sung by Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba at the end of His discourses, in essence summarises His teachings and sayings for the past 73 years. The song captures the essence of the message reflected in the 18 chapters of the Srimad Bhagavad Geeta. The commentary explains the 4 Yogas found in the song and also reflected in the 9 points code of conduct which is what the devotees of Swami are asked to follow. The song has nine lines, each different in its implications. Each soaked with many suggestive meanings.

In the typical style of the ancient masters who conveyed truth in a language that demands serious inner deep reflection and contemplation this song Hari Bhajan Bina …..too possess lyrics which possess facets that will mirror our own conscience when contemplated with seriousness. When understood properly the spiritual pointers couched in these simple poetic words have the capability and potential to catapult the thoughts in us to stratospheric heights of idealism.

Walking a spiritual path can be likened to that of climbing a mountain. Both needs strength, stamina and more importantly a sense of purpose. It is this inner passion for the peak or the goal which fuels an inner fire to help the climbers … to climb their inner mountains. The journey would encompass stepping on boulders of negativity, holding on to little cracks with hope and lifting their weights against their own karmic pull and tendencies and inching their way to the top against the cold harsh winds of past trends and old habits. Staring only at the `guri’ or goal, the climber continues his journey, time after time, life after life, yuga after yuga …..And then with a final push and a heave he reaches the peak to experience the cool, comforting wind drying his endless tears of rapture and bliss, for his eyes cannot stop drinking the nectarine scene too majestic to explain, too grand to describe, too magnificent to be sustained or contained in any descriptive words. This is the climb of life …..To spiritual peaks of perfection …to meet the grandeur of creation itself….the i meeting the I….

This song contains simple pointers and vivid directions. The uplifting tune accompanying the rich words, if heard while climbing, absorbs the weariness of the muscles of the climber and oxygenates his system with inspiration to continue. The song forces us to examine our life style and provides ample rationale as to why one should start his climb upwards. And to those who have started the climb, the song whips up courage in the hearts and fires the intellect with reasons as to why one should not give up the climb for whatever reason and encourages one to continue the journey…

Hari Bhajan Bina is not just a song…It’s a guide map with complete spiritual tips and the fine tuning necessary for a seeker and being scientific in its direction the composer with compassion has completed the song with precautions and warnings as where and what the pitfalls would be if one wants to take the challenge to start the journey…….

To the confusion that people that life is divided into spiritual and materialistic compartments, Bhagavan Himself have said that `everything is spiritual’. The fragrance from the bouquet of advice given in this song should not be merely compartmentalised into attaining spiritual goals. The spiritual person must know the art of meeting the demands of worldly duties and responsibilities, commitments and obligations and Hari Bhajan Bina becomes a readymade easy package of tools and if used well has the potential of becoming an embodiment of someone living Sai’s message in daily life to perfection and thus perhaps to fulfil, the Master’s dream that we become His message.

This is an attempt and only an attempt to go beyond the words and unveil the suggestive meanings of each line of the song, to capture the inspiration …to feel with Love and to fill our hearts with Love with this song.

May Swami guide………!!!

Sairam... !!!


Dr. Suresh Govind
Sathya Sai Baba Central Council of Malaysia
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