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摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
博斯准将(Brigadier Bose)的复活
1988年10月20日达萨拉(Dasera)节日的那一天,满月礼堂(Poornachandra Hall)挤满了大约两万信徒。查理医生(Dr Chari)看到博斯准将(Brigadier Bose)已到并温柔地责怪他为何前来接受达瞻,因为他前一天还发着高烧。博斯准将回答,他不想错过斯瓦米的达萨拉讲道以及接下来的喷洒圣水(Shantijal)仪式,而且他早上已退烧,所以才决定前来。他坐在一张椅子上而斯瓦米开始祂的讲道并以一首泰鲁固诗作为开场白。突然间,博斯准将从椅子上倒下来。志工们把他平躺着。查理医生和巴特尔医生(Dr Patel)检查他而发觉已没有脉搏也没有心跳。在这同时,斯瓦米关了扩音器而赶去看博斯准将。那两个医生做手势示意博斯准将已经死了。斯瓦米像是用右手在空中抓住某样东西并握紧拳头,祂没有停下脚步,一把推开两个医生并以右手轻拍博斯准将的头后部。博斯准将立即睁开了眼睛。那些看到整个事件,坐在前几排的人,开始拍手叫好。斯瓦米吩咐博斯准将站起来,到靠近阶梯的地方去坐,那里空气比较新鲜。博斯准将照着斯瓦米的指示去做,而斯瓦米则走回去继续祂的讲道,好像什么都没有发生似的。散会后,博斯准将回到他的房间并很惊讶地看到两个医生跟着进来。他从他们口中得知发生了什么事,而原先他以为自己仅是一阵头晕,其实是斯瓦米在医生已宣布他死亡之后才把他带回人世的。那天傍晚在一个信托会议里,斯瓦米证实博斯准将的确已死亡但祂不能让后者就这么离开,因为他还有工作要为斯瓦米做。那工作就是1991年在百善地格拉姆(Prasanthi Gram)建造一所高等专科医院。
随着时间的过去,虽然具有里程碑意义的事件的数量减少了,可是在理念、前瞻性和规模方面却是更宏伟。斯瓦米出游的次数也逐渐减少了。无线电通讯,道路交通都有极大的进步。随着电视的到来,电子通讯领域发生了巨变。斯瓦米的讲道开始出版在《永恒的战车御者》(Sanathana Sarathi)中,并被编印成册,题名《沙迪亚赛曰》(Sathya Sai Speaks)。祂的讲道的数量及其主题范围的规模令人惊讶不已。如前所述,《沙迪亚赛曰》的数量最后达到42集之多。
在早上9点之前,印度总理纳拉辛哈*拉奥(Sri PV Narasimha Rao)从德里抵达。没有任何演讲的安排也没有任何仪式的执行,医院就由总理宣布开幕。当天重大的活动就是四个心脏手术的戏剧性事件。一个病人已准备好要动手术并已在手术床上,等候神的指示。随着斯瓦米的祝福手势,外科医生就为病人动手术。在三个小时内完成了四个大手术,其中一个是非常复杂的心脏修补手术。所有手术都圆满成功。从那一天起,在这医院里,总共执行了大约2万2千起心脏手术,一切都是免费的。大部分病人都是付不起医药费的贫穷人家,若非斯瓦米的慷慨和爱心,他们也许已不在人世了。
1992年俄罗斯信徒们要求斯瓦米指示乌巴德耶医生(Dr Upadhyay)在俄罗斯乡村地区举办医疗营。有了斯瓦米的批准与祝福,他们就着手采取行动。在得到乌拉尔(Ural)地区的首府,俄卡特林博(Ekaterinburg)卫生部门的批准后,他们就前往医疗营所预设之地,吉尔罗格列(Kierrograd)。在途中,他们所坐的车子抛锚。队中有一个俄罗斯青年建议,趁着车子被修理的时候,顺便到附近的湿婆庙去逛逛。惊讶甫定后,乌巴德耶医生立即答应。走了一段短距离,他们便抵达湿婆庙,一所典型的木制乌拉尔建筑。当他们进入时,乌巴德耶医生震惊地听到旋律优美的林伽赞颂 – “Brahma Murari Surachita Lingam”,由一位个子高大,留着胡须的俄罗斯祭司赞颂。完毕后,他对着访客们微笑并给他们‘charnamrita’(糖水,意思是nectar from the feet of God神足下的甘露)。他说他从来没到过印度而真言是他心灵导师传授给他的。当乌巴德耶医生问他,谁是他导师时,那俄罗斯祭司举起照亮房子的蜡烛,在林伽之上的墙壁上有一张斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇的照片。乌巴德耶医生及其队员甚感兴奋,看到斯瓦米无所不在的这个实例。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 12
Resurrection of Brigadier Bose
It was 20 Oct 1988, Dasera. The Poornachandra Hall was packed with about 20,000 devotees. Dr Chari saw that Brigadier Bose had come and mildly rebuked him for having come for darshan as he had been running high temperature till the previous day. Brigadier Bose replied that he did not want to miss Swami’s Dasera discourse and the subsequent sprinkling of Shantijal (consecrated water) and as he had no fever since morning, he decided to come. He sat on a chair and Swami began His discourse with a Telugu poem. Suddenly Brigadier Bose toppled from the chair. Sewadal volunteers laid him out. Dr Chari and Dr Patel examined him and found no pulse, no heartbeat. In the meanwhile Swami had switched off the mike and was rushing towards Brigadier Bose. The two doctors gestured to Him that Brigadier Bose was gone. Swami appeared to catch something from the air with His right hand and closed His fist and without pausing, pushed the doctors aside and gave a pat on the back of the head of Brigadier Bose with His right hand. Brigadier Bose opened his eyes. Those sitting in the first few rows and who had seen the whole incident, began clapping. Swami told Brigadier Bose to get up and go and sit near the steps, where he would get fresh air. Brigadier Bose did as instructed by Swami, who went back and resumed His discourse as if nothing had happened. After the function, Brigadier Bose returned to His room and was surprised to see both doctors entering after him. He learned from them what had happened and that what he thought was a fainting spell was actually Swami bringing him back to life after the doctors had declared him dead. That evening in a Trust Meeting Swami confirmed that Brigadier Bose had indeed died but that He could not let the latter go as yet, because he still had work to do for Swami. That work was the construction of the Super Speciality Hospital at Prasanthi Gram in 1991.
Travels Reduced
As time passed, landmark events became less in number but grander in concept, vision and magnitude. Swami’s travels also gradually reduced. Radio communication, road communication had vastly improved. With the advent of television, a sea change took place in the field of electronic communication. Swami’s discourses began to be published in Sanathana Sarathi and collected and published in book form under the title of ‘Sathya Sai Speaks’. The sheer volume of His discourses and their range of topics were amazing. As previously stated, the number of‘Sathya Sai Speaks’,finally reached 42.
New Air Terminal
On 15 November 1991, Swami inaugurated the new Air Terminal of the Sri Sathya Sai Airport at Puttaparthi. It was now fit for medium range aircraft.
Super Speciality Hospital at Prasanthi Gram
22 November 1991 dawned bright and cheerful. There was an air of expectancy. Swami was in a wonderful mood. He was going about here and there giving last minute instructions. Exactly one year earlier when He made the historic announcement of setting up the Super Speciality Hospital, not many believed that it would come to pass. Even a few weeks before the historic event, there were many skeptics. All the doubts arose, because most people deluded by the human form of Swami, failed to see the Divine power in that form.
Shortly before 9 a.m., Sri P V Narasimha Rao, the Prime Minister, arrived from Delhi. There was no speech making and without any fanfare the Hospital was declared open by the Prime Minister. The occasion was marked by the dramatic event of 4 heart surgeries. A patient had already been prepared for surgery and was on the operating table waiting for the Divine signal. With a gesture of blessing from Swami, the surgeons proceeded with the surgery. In 3 hours 4 major operations were performed, one of them was a very complicated operation of closing a hole in the heart. All operations were successfully carried out. Since then about 22,000 heart surgeries have been performed in this Hospital, all free of cost, mostly on poor people, who could not afford it and would perhaps have died, but for Swami’s generosity and love for the poor.
Shiva Temple in Ural Region of Russia
In 1992 devotees from Russia requested Swami to direct Dr Upadhyay to hold medical camps in rural parts of Russia. With Swami’s approval and blessings they embarked upon this venture. After obtaining approval from Health Officials in Ekaterinburg, capital of the Ural Region, they set out for Kierrograd, where the camp was to be held. On the way the car in which they were travelling broke down. A Russian youth in the party suggested going to a nearby Shiva Temple while the car was being attended to. After Dr Upadhyay overcame his astonishment, he readily agreed. A short walk brought them to the Temple, which was a typical wooden Ural structure. When they entered, Dr Upadhyay was stunned to hear the melodious chanting of lingashtakam “Brahma Murari Surachita Lingam” being chanted by a tall bearded Russian priest. After finishing, he smiled at the visitors and gave them charnamrita. He said that he had never been to India and had been taught the mantra by his master in a vision. On Dr Upadhyay asking him who was his master, the Russian priest raised the candle, which had been lighting the room and there on the wall above the lingam, was a portrait of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Dr Upadhyay and his group were simply thrilled at this instance of Swami’s Omnipresence.
On 24 October 1992, Deepavali, Swami said something of very great cosmic significance. Naraka was a satellite of the Earth moving in the same orbit as the moon. For some reason, it started hurtling towards the Earth. People prayed to Lord Krishna to avert the impending catastrophe. The Lord destroyed Naraka in space and saved the world from disaster. [The spectacle must have been like bursting of a thousand crackers]. Since then Deepavali is being observed as a joyous day of deliverance from disaster.
To be continued ….
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