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2016/01 第十位神化身(12)
摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)


由于信徒人数的日益增加,吉特拉瓦底讨论会必须停止。现在斯瓦米会在所有重要聚会都给予讲道。信徒们通常会在这些讲道中得到他们所要的答案以解除疑问。至于个人的问题,信徒们开始写信给斯瓦米,询问所要的答案。他们会从间接的方式获得解决。幸运的几个会被叫入面谈室,而在那私下的会谈中,他们的问题会得到讨论与回答。百善地尼乐园的例常作业经已定下。一天的节目从早上的Omkaram(念诵21次OM),Suprabhatam(清晨唤醒赞歌),Nagarsankirtan(赞唱游行)开始,继之以早上的Darshan(达瞻)和Bhajan(峇赞),以及下午的达瞻和峇赞。例常节目的的高峰当然是Darshan。为了它,成千上万的人从老远的地方蜂拥而至。斯瓦米的讲道被编辑和出版于‘Sathya Sai Speaks’(《沙迪亚赛曰》)之中,总共已有42集了。
1985年10月的一个清晨,一个研究学者,名叫那罗衍那沙尔马(Narayan Sharma)的男孩,被担架抬到百善地尼乐园中央医院。

主任医生查理(Dr Chari)进来,主治医生珊达(Dr Shanta)也随后进来。经检查后发现病人已没有心跳也没有脉搏。查理医生去通知斯瓦米。当斯瓦米把两包圣粉给他,交代他擦在病人胸口并且把热水袋放在病人背部时,他感到非常的疑惑。学院总监,那罗辛哈穆迪(Narasimha Murthy)这时进来,得知此事,就去找斯瓦米。当斯瓦米给他一瓶咖啡,告诉他拿给那孩子一口一口喝而孩子就会好转时,他更感困惑。他把瓶子交给困惑的珊达医生。怎么把咖啡给一个死去的孩子喝?他们祈求斯瓦米而当看到孩子的右脚趾头动了起来时,大家都感到兴奋至极。她解开病人的氧气面罩并喂咖啡给孩子,每一次一茶匙。学院总监简直惊呆了。珊达医生于是决定检查孩子的血压。就在此刻,斯瓦米进入病房,莞尔而笑。查理医生重申孩子已被诊断临床死亡。斯瓦米变现一个褐色的类似巧克力的东西而把它放在孩子的嘴里。查理医生注意到孩子的脉搏率和血压变得正常。斯瓦米指示查理医生给男孩静脉滴注氢化可的松(Hydrocortison drip),然后祂回到神殿去,给孩子送来药物。孩子很快就痊愈了。




在一个非常戏剧化的方式下,乌巴德耶医生得到斯瓦米的断言的证实。他在接近加纳(Ghana)与象牙海岸(Ivory Coast)边境的地方举办一个医疗营。在医疗营的最后一天,他们正忙于收拾。在预定离开前15分钟,一个21岁的非洲女子带着一个7天大的婴儿进来。婴儿眼睛长满了脓液,完全看不到眼睛。身为眼科专家的乌巴德耶医生知道其病况,也知道怎么治疗,但却苦无适宜的药物,因为他没料到这样的病例。他感到无助。他知道若不予以医治,婴儿眼睛肯定会瞎。在沮丧之余,他拿了一些盘尼西林药丸并要磨成粉末,参以蒸馏水,然后吩咐婴儿的母亲敷在婴儿的眼睛上。当他正要这么做时,护士问他,如果是他自己的婴儿,他是否会这么做。那当场阻止了他。他慢慢地把碗放下,想到斯瓦米说过的圣粉。他拿出一包圣粉,涂一点在婴儿的前额并把其余的交给母亲,要她撒在婴儿的眼睛。就在此时,货车司机带着一个小盒子进来,说是在楼梯底下捡到的。它没有记号,不知是否属于他们的。乌巴德耶医生的最初反应是,它不可能是他们的,因为所有他们的纸盒都有标记以符合海关要求。他想还是打开来看里面是什么。他打开纸盒一看,发出了一声惊呼。他简直不相信自己的眼睛。它装有治疗婴儿眼睛所需的药物。其余的事,大家都知道,不必多说了。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 11
For the next four years Swami was largely busy in setting up educational institutions culminating in the inauguration of the Administrative Building of the University at Prasanthi Nilayam.

Swami had acceded to the plea of the boys of the Brindavan Campus and got the new hostel built by the side of the old hostel, which was just a long hall. Now Swami demolished His old residence and in its place constructed the beautiful new Residence, the Trayee, which was inaugurated on 26 April 1984. This way He could continue to be near the boys.

Every evening after darshan and bhajan, Swami would take the boys and the staff to a big room in Trayee and a question / answer session would ensue, much like the open air sessions on the sands of Chitravathi in the old days.
Divine Discourses
As the number of devotees kept growing, the Chitravathi sessions had to be stopped. Now Swami would give discourses on all important occasions. Devotees would usually get answers to their doubts during these discourses. For personal problems, devotees started giving letters to Swami. They would get the solutions by indirect means. The fortunate few would be called for personal interviews, wherein their queries would be discussed and answered in the privacy of the interview room. The routine in Prasanthi Nilayam had become settled. The day would start with Omkaram, Suprabhatam, Nagarsankirtan followed by Darshan and Bhajan in the morning and Darshan and Bhajan in the afternoon. The high point of the daily routine was of course, the Darshan. It is for this that people came from far off places in thousands. Swami’s discourses were compiled and published as ‘Sathya Sai Speaks’ in 42 volumes.
Ashram Develops
As Prasanthi Nilayam the township grew, so did Prasanthi Nilayam the Ashram. More and more people started living in it permanently and more people started pouring in for short visits. Under Swami’s orders accommodation for them and associated amenities like canteens, stores and book shop also came up.

Narayan Sharma Incident

Early in the morning of a day in October 1985, a boy named Narayan Sharma, a research scholar, was brought on stretcher to a ward in the General Hospital, Prasanthi Nilayam.

The Medical Superintendent, Dr Chari entered followed by Dr Shanta, who examined the patient and found no heartbeat and no pulse. Dr Chari went to inform Swami and was sorely puzzled when Swami gave him two packets of Vibhuti and instructed him to apply it on the patient’s chest and to keep hot water bags on his back. Warden, Narasimha Murthy, came in at that point and on being apprised of the events, went to Swami. He was even more puzzled when Swami gave him a flask of coffee and told him to give it to the boy sip by sip and the boy would be all right. The flask was given to Dr Shanta who was bewildered. How to give coffee to a dead boy? They prayed to Swami and were thrilled to see the boy’s right big toe move. She removed the oxygen mask and gave coffee to the boy, spoonful at a time. The warden was struck with wonder. Dr Shanta then decided to check the boy’s blood pressure. Just then Swami entered the ward and smiled. Dr Chari reiterated that the boy had been clinically dead. Swami materialized a brownish piece that looked like chocolate and put it in the boy’s mouth. Dr Chari noted that the boy’s pulse rate and blood pressure had become normal. Swami instructed Dr Chari to put the boy on Hydrocortisone drip and after going back to the Mandir, sent some medicine for the boy. The boy recovered quickly.
Medical Camps
Swami’s mahimas and leelas continued to occur all over the world. As His fame spread so did the incidence of mahimas. On Swami’s instructions, Dr Upadhyay and his team of doctors held a medical camp at Shirdi. At the conclusion of the camp the doctors went to Brindavan at Bangalore for His darshan. There they learnt that He had gone to Ooty. The doctors hired cars and reached Ooty at night. The next morning they had Swami’s darshan just before He was to leave for Kodaikanal. In the ensuing interview, Swami asked an English doctor why he had sent an old woman in her eighties for X-ray. She was coughing badly with blood in her phlegm, was very thin and skinny and wearing a torn sari. The doctor replied that he thought she had TB and wanted to confirm. Swami chided him for having forgotten his basic medicine and pointed out that she was getting high temperature and had lost much weight. The symptoms together with what the doctor had observed were enough for diagnosis. Swami then asked Dr Upadhayay to turn his back and showed how to percuss the back. Turning to the doctor, He told him that had he done so and listened to the sounds through his stethoscope, he would have realized that she had a cavity in her lung. This was enough to confirm the diagnosis of TB. These simple villagers were afraid of X-ray machines and she did not go for X-ray. All she needed was medicine for TB, which she could not afford. The doctor was now worried about what happened to her. Swami graciously told him to stop worrying as Swami took care of her disease.

Dr Upadhyay asked Swami a very significant question as to what should they do when there was not enough medicine to treat all those who turned up. Swami’s succinct answer was, “Give them vibhuti”. Dr Upadhayay pointed out that all did not have faith in Vibhuti. Swami answered that just as a doctor referred a patient outside his specialization to the correct doctor, the moment vibhuti touched the forehead of the patient, he was referred to Swami. Then it was His responsibility to take care of him.

Dr Upadhyay got confirmation of Swami’s assertion in a rather dramatic manner. He had been holding a medical camp near the Ghana-Ivory Coast border. The last day of the camp had arrived and they were busy packing up. About 15 minutes before they were scheduled to leave, a 21 year old African woman entered with her seven day old baby. The eyes of her baby were so full of pus that they couldn’t be seen. Dr Upadhyay, being an Ophthalmologist knew what the condition was and also knew how to treat it, but had not brought the appropriate medicine, because he had not anticipated such a contingency. He felt helpless. He knew that unless something was done the baby would become blind. Feeling desperate he took some penicillin tablets and thought of powdering them, mix in distilled water and ask the mother to apply on the baby’s eyes. When he was about to do so, the nurse asked him if he would do so if it was his baby. That stopped him in his tracks. He slowly put the bowl down, thought of what Swami had said of vibhuti. He took out a packet of vibhuti, smeared a little on the baby’s forehead and gave the rest to the mother to sprinkle on the baby’s eyes. Just then the driver of their lorry entered with a small carton saying that he just found this under the stairs. It had no markings and was it theirs? Dr Upadhayay’s initial reaction was that it could not be theirs, because all their cartons were labelled as required for customs clearance. Anyway he thought he might as well see what was in it. He opened the carton and let out a shout. He couldn’t believe his eyes. It contained the medicine that was needed to treat the baby’s eyes. The rest, as they say, is history.
Professor Kasturi Passes Away – An Era Ends
It was 14 August 1987. The boys of the college at Prasanthi Nilayam were rehearsing for a play and was being watched by Swami. It was 11-30am. Swami suddenly got up and went to His car. The teacher conducting the rehearsal was concerned and asked Swami if they were doing something wrong in the rehearsal. Swami replied that He was only going to the General Hospital to see Kasturi. On reaching Kasturi’s bedside, Swami sat on a chair and sweetly uttered “Kasturi”. Kasturi opened his eyes and looked at Swami. A peaceful smile lit up his face. Swami materialized vibhuti and put a little of it in his mouth and on his forehead. He gave the rest of it to Kasturi’s daughter and told her to mix it in water and give to Kasturi a little at a time and told Kasturi to think only of Swami and left quietly. Within an hour Kasturi breathed his last. The river had merged in the ocean. An era had ended.
To be continued ….
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