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摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
1971年圣诞节,瓦尔特高文(Walter Cowan)在马德拉斯(Madras)的歌尼马拉酒店逝世。斯瓦米觉得祂不能让这样的悲剧降临于他的妻子伊丽西(Elisie)的身上。所以,当伊丽西高文和罗丹拉尔(Ratan Lal)夫人前来求助时,斯瓦米说,祂已知道瓦尔特发生了什么事,并告诉他们早上10点到高文被送去的医院。当他们抵达病房时,他们得知斯瓦米来而又走了。他们很惊讶,也很高兴地看到瓦尔特活生生地坐在床上。
斯瓦米在1972 年3月25日第一次拜访德里(Delhi)而于1972年4月5日回返百善地尼乐园。前来接受祂的‘达瞻’(darshan)的来宾名单堪称一本名人录。库士宛辛格(Khushwant Singh)在‘印度周刊画报’写道,当天发生了一次史无前例的交通堵塞,从斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇住处算起约半径两英里的街道上,汽车与巴士拥挤得水泄不通。美国大使吉丁(Keating)教授完全感动与信服。他说,“我不能通过阅读书籍来掌握印度文化的全面影响,我也不能屈尊俯就这块土地的经典的权威,但是,当我看到这块土地的首都,在二十世纪的七十年代,发生了这种现象 --- 五十万善男信女来往盘桓以期获得一个身材约五英尺的人物的振奋人心的一瞥 --- 我觉得我能听到这古老民族的心跳声”。斯瓦米到美国大使馆去和教授喝茶,并变现一枚戒指给他。翌日,祂到米路特(Meerut)向广大群众演讲。由于通往会场的所有道路完全堵塞,祂被堵在距离讲台的一英里外。在一瞬间,祂却出现在讲台上,领唱几首峇赞,广大群众也跟着祂唱,然后同样神奇地祂又回到祂的车子里。
1972年5月间,以印度文化与灵性为主题的研讨会第一次在平达弯校内举行。斯瓦米带着依斯瓦罗姆玛一起前往。几天后,她私下向博达波都阿姆玛(Pedda Bottuamma)轻声说,斯瓦米确实是神。她说她曾发高烧及全身疼痛,而当斯瓦米以罗摩月(Ramachandra)的形像,带着王冠和弓箭,出现在她面前时,祂命令感冒立即离开她。几天后的早餐时间,依斯瓦罗姆玛与她大女儿文甘姆玛(Venkamma)以及女儿的子女坐在一起。突然间,她喊道,“斯瓦米,斯瓦米”。正要去洗澡的斯瓦米回答,“来了,来了”而她就过世了。斯瓦米指出,虽然她与女儿和孙子们坐在一块,当最后一刻降临时,她的思想只集中于斯瓦米。
基士拿达斯峇峇(Krishnadas Baba)应斯瓦米的召唤
在喜玛拉雅的一个山洞里有一个人正深沉地打坐。他听到一个声音,“基士拿达斯,毗湿奴以人身降临而住在安得拉邦的布达峇地。尽可能快一点赶来。”那人张开眼睛,满脸洋溢着喜悦之情。他立即出发而经过了一段漫长而艰辛的旅程之后,他抵达新神殿。斯瓦米满脸笑容出来并告诉基士拿达斯,在他解脱之前,他还有一项任务要执行。祂告诉基士拿达斯到孟买的某一寺庙去并一如往常般执行他的打坐。几天后,一个有钱人会到来提供一祭司职位给他,担任一座供奉Dattatreya神的寺庙的祭司。该寺庙位于马哈拉施特拉邦(Maharashtra)雷夫丹达(Revdanda)县查尔镇的一座山上。他应该接受那职位并立即启程前往寺庙。他的三餐有斯瓦米照顾,所以他不必从山顶寺庙跋涉下山。如果他要传达什么消息给斯瓦米,他只需打坐即可。如果斯瓦米要传达消息给基士拿达斯,同样的方法即可采纳。卡迪亚医生(Dr Gadhia)从某些赛信徒得知有关基士拿达斯的事情并去见他。当他们抵达山脚而即将爬石级上去时,他们看到有人匆匆忙忙地下来,来者可不是别人,正是基士拿达斯峇峇他自己。他们更是惊讶地听到他问道,“哪一位是卡迪亚?”当指出卡迪亚时,他告诉卡迪亚说,他奉斯瓦米的指示转告卡迪亚在山脚举办他的节目。那节目就是为那地区的村民播放一些有关斯瓦米的影片。放完影片之后,基士拿达斯邀请卡迪亚到寺庙小住几天。卡迪亚医生答应了,但只能在三年后才能落实。在卡迪亚离开之际,基士拿达斯峇峇传一则信息给他,那是斯瓦米传来的。信息这么写道,“通知卡迪亚,他会把斯瓦米的福音弘扬到全世界去。”卡迪亚果然尽其一生弘扬斯瓦米的福音。
稍后,斯瓦米召唤中央医院的贾耶勒斯米医生(Dr. Jayalakshmi)并吩咐她到英国深造。蒙斯瓦米的恩典,她在短时间内得到入学准证。在出发前,她去见斯瓦米,接受祂的祝福。当问及她需要什么时,她只要斯瓦米把她平安带回来。斯瓦米答应她的要求后,她便离开。她很努力进修,成绩优异,学成后就要踏上归程。在巴黎机场时,她发现乘搭赴孟买的班机尚有四个小时,于是她决定去参观埃菲尔铁塔。她雇了一辆计程车而司机向她保证参观埃菲尔铁塔,时间足足有余。从铁塔回来时,计程车堵在一个平交道口。平时,铁道闸门只关闭不超过7分钟,但在那天它关闭了半个小时,致使她赶不上飞孟买的班机。贾耶勒斯米医生暴跳如雷并责骂司机选错了路线。她悻悻地付了车资,气呼呼的下车。航空公司安排她乘搭下一趟班机,但这也消不了她的气。过了一阵子机场报告说,前一班机失事坠毁,机上所有人全部罹难。她惊讶万分并开始哭泣。当她抵达百善地尼乐园时,她满脸泪水去见斯瓦米。斯瓦米确认是祂作的安排,把火车闸门关闭那么久,致使她改乘另一班机平安回来,落实祂早前的承诺。祂责备她不该对司机说话不客气并告诉她切切要记得,当一个人降服于斯瓦米后,不论生活中发生什么事情,都是为了他好而发生。
当斯瓦米的心育(Educare)快速地发展,斯瓦米的医药照顾(Medicare)以比较平静的步伐前进。在布达峇地的中央医院落成约二十年后,祂才于1976年8月29日象神节(Ganesh Chaturthi)那天为白草原中央医院主持开幕典礼。这所医院也一样为贫苦人士提供最佳的医疗照顾,而且绝对是免费的。
穆登那哈利(Muddenahalli)的Lok Seva Vrinda
1977年1月8日,那罗衍那巴特(Narayan Bhat,Lok Seva Vrinda的创办人)英年早逝,令大家惊愕得不知所措。斯瓦米发了一份电报,“那罗衍那巴特已永远与斯瓦米融为一体,别担心,要勇敢”。笼罩着阿里克(Alike,Lok Seva Vrinda的其中一个校园)的悲伤阴影因斯瓦米的这一番话而有所缓解。收到卡斯杜里打来的电话,传来斯瓦米的信息:“执行最终的礼仪之后就到百善地尼乐园来。斯瓦米会照顾一切”。他们遵照斯瓦米的指示,并到达了百善地尼乐园。斯瓦米召唤那一组人,包括那罗衍那巴特的母亲,阿姆妈(Amma)以及那罗辛哈穆迪(Narasimha Murthy)进入面谈室。斯瓦米把右手放在阿姆妈的头上而她立即停止哭泣。斯瓦米安慰她说,那罗衍那巴特已永远与斯瓦米融为一体。生死轮回的痛苦已永远离他而去。他已究竟人生的终极目的。斯瓦米说Lok Seva Vrinda一直是属于祂的,以缓解他们对Lok Seva Vrinda的未来的担心与不安。那罗衍那巴特在很久以前就把它交给祂了。祂也说祂将接管其名下的教育机构,并指示纲噶达尔巴特(Gangadhar Bhat)接任主席之位。然后祂要那罗辛哈穆迪把放在外面盛着那罗衍那巴特的骨灰的瓮带进来。祂于是把手放在瓮上并指示那罗辛哈穆迪把骨灰洒在基特拉瓦底河里。
在随后的一次面谈中,纲噶达尔巴特告知斯瓦米,他听从祂的指令而接手主席之职务,但他谦虚地承认自己远逊于那罗衍那巴特。斯瓦米很亲切地告诉他,一朵花不论它有多美都不能单独构成一个花环。他的成功是因为所有人团结一心在他身后支持他。那种团结必须维系。斯瓦米也向他保证,所有Lok Seva Vrinda的债务,斯瓦米会负责清还。
1977年Vijay Dashami 的吉祥盛会里,斯瓦米宣布两则消息于祂的讲道中。一则是有关位于乌地(Ooty)的斯里沙迪亚赛维迪亚维哈尔学校(Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar School)的成立;另一则是祂将接管在阿里克(Alike)和穆登那哈利(Muddenahalli)的Lok Seva Vrinda教育机构。祂已安排人员去制定可行的方式与步骤。整个事件于1978年8月14日达到高峰,当斯瓦米欣然在穆登那哈利为斯里沙迪亚赛世界服务信托(Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust)主持开幕典礼。
继1978年在平达弯校园举办的夏令营之后,又举办了一项665位年轻教师出席的灵性启导课程。在这期间,一位自美国亚利桑那州大学的著名教授,巴拉诺夫斯基博士(Dr Baranowski)莅临。他对基尔良(Kirlian)摄像机拍摄的人类光环进行了广泛的研究。有一天傍晚,当他向学生及教职人员演讲时,他说他观察了几千名社会各阶层的卓越人士的光环。他从来没看过任何超出身体二英尺的光环。他斩钉断铁的说,斯瓦米所展示的光环不是一个人的光环。在斯瓦米的光环里,白色的幅度是任何人的两倍,而蓝色几乎是无极限的,在这以外甚至还有金色和银色的光环,超越建筑物的另一端,直达水平线。他说,“我国的科学团体很难接受神的观念。因此,我是冒着声誉危险来发表这看法:两天前,在这礼堂外面,我向着祂的眼睛看去,看到祂双眼闪闪发亮。我很清楚,我是在看着神的脸。如果我能用这样的词句描述的话,我会说我看到了爱在人间行走,就在此地。也许我在印度所见证的奇迹当中,没有一个奇迹能比得上一个人能把那么多的爱给那么多的人的这个奇迹了。”
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 10
Resurrection of Walter Cowan
Walter Cowan died at the Connemara Hotel in Madras on Christmas Day 1971. Swami felt that He could not allow such a tragedy to befall his wife Elisie so when Elisie Cowan and Mrs Ratan Lal came to Him for help, Swami said that He knew what happened to Walter and told them to go to the hospital, where he had been taken, at 10am. When they reached the ward, they came to know that Swami had come and gone. They were surprised and happy to see Walter sitting on the bed, alive and well.
First Delhi Visit
Swami went to Delhi for the first time on 25 March 1972 and returned to Prasanthi Nilayam on 5 April 1972. The list of people who came for His darshan reads like who’s who. Khushwant Singh wrote in the Illustrated Weekly of India that an unprecedented traffic jam occurred, with cars and buses snarling up all avenues within a radius of two miles from where Sri Sathya Sai Baba was staying. Prof Keating the US Ambassador was completely overwhelmed. He said, “I cannot grasp the full impact of Indian Culture through the study of books nor can I vouchsafe for the authenticity of the scriptures of this land, but when I see the capital city of this land, in the seventh decade of the Twentieth Century, a phenomenon like this – five lakh men and women milling round to get a heartening glimpse of this five-foot personality – I feel I can hear the heartbeat of this ancient people”. Swami went to the American Embassy and had tea with the Professor and materialized a ring for him. The next day He went to address a huge gathering in Meerut. Because of complete blockage of all roads leading to the venue, He was unable to proceed within one mile of the dais. In a trice He appeared on the dais, sang a few bhajans, which the huge gathering repeated after Him and just as mysteriously returned to His car.
Easwaramma Passes Away
In May 1972, the Summer Course on Indian Culture and Spirituality was held in the Brindavan Campus for the first time. Swami took Easwaramma with Him. After a few days, she confidentially whispered to Pedda Bottuamma that Swami was really God. She added that she had been suffering from high fever and body ache, when Swami appeared before her as Ramachandra with crown and bow and commanded the fever to leave and it promptly left her. A couple of days later at breakfast time Easwaramma was sitting with her elder daughter Venkamma and her children. Suddenly she shouted “Swami, Swami”. Swami, who was about to go for bath replied, “Coming, Coming” and she passed away. Swami pointed out that although she was sitting with her daughter and grandchildren, when her last moments came, her thought centred only on Swami.
Krishnadas Baba Obeys Swami’s Call
In a cave in the Himalayas, a man was in a deep meditation. He heard a voice, “Krishnadas, Vishnu has come in human form and is living in Puttaparthi, in Andhra Pradesh. Come as quickly as possible.” The man opened his eyes. There was a look of joy on his face. He set out immediately and after a long and arduous journey reached the New Mandir. Swami came out with a big smile and told Krishnadas that he had one more task to perform before getting moksha. He told Krishnadas to go to a certain temple in Bombay and carry on with his meditation as usual. After a few days a wealthy man would come and offer him the job of a priest, the pujari of a temple dedicated to Dattatreya, which was situated on a hill in Chaul in Revdanda District of Mahrashtra. He should accept the post and proceed to the temple. His meals would be taken care of by Swami, therefore he would not need to come down from the hill-top temple. If he wanted to convey something to Swami, he could do so in his meditation. If Swami needed to convey something to Krishnadas, the same means would be adopted. Dr. Gadhia heard about Krishnadas Baba from some Sai devotees and went to meet him. When they reached the foot of the hill and were about to climb the steps, they saw somebody hurrying down and were surprised that it was none other than Krishnadas Baba himself. They were even more surprised to hear him ask, “Who is Gadhia?” On being pointed out, he told Dr. Gadhia that Swami had instructed him to tell Gadhia to hold the programme at the bottom of the hill. The programme was to show some films about Swami to the village folk of that area. This was done and Krishnadas asked Gadhia to spend some days in the temple. Dr. Gadhia promised, but was able to fulfill it only after 3 years. At the time of Gadhia’s departure, Krishnadas Baba conveyed to him a message, which he had received from Swami. The message was, “Inform Gadhia that he will spread Swami’s message round the world”. Gadhia proceeded to do that for the rest of his life.
Swami’s Grace
Back in the Prasanthi Nilayam, while Swami was giving darshan, a lady from the last row got up and started clamouring for Swami’s Grace. Swami merely smiled and moved on; but the lady persisted and raised her voice. Swami stopped and retraced His steps and said, “If you really want My Grace, you should prepare yourself to face every type of calamity. You will lose all your wealth and happiness and still instead of repenting and crying, you will have to merge yourself in meditating upon Me and My name in your heart. Your near ones will turn against you. People will implicate you in conspiracies, which you have nothing to do with. They will find faults with you, where you are totally innocent. Under all such circumstances, you will have to think only of Me and Me alone and suffer everything silently. Come on, are you prepared to face all these things?” The lady looked down and sat down quietly.
Dr. Jayalakshmi’s trip to England
Sometime later Swami sent for Dr. Jayalakshmi from the General Hospital and told her to go to England for higher education. By Swami’s Grace she got admission at short notice and prepared to leave and went to Swami to receive His Blessings. On being asked what she wanted, she prayed to Swami to bring her back safely. Swami promised to do so and she left. She worked hard, did well and embarked on her return journey. At Paris airport she found that she had four hours on hand before catching the flight to Bombay and decided to see the Eiffel Tower. The taxi driver she engaged assured her that she had ample time for the sightseeing trip to Eiffel Tower. On the return trip from there, the taxi was held up at a level crossing, which did not usually remain closed for more than seven minutes. On that day it remained closed for half an hour, resulting in her missing the Bombay flight. Dr. Jayalakshmi was furious with the taxi driver and blamed him for taking a wrong route resulting in her missing the Bombay flight. Curtly, she paid him and walked away in a huff. The airline put her on the next flight, but that did not improve her temper. After a short while there was an announcement that the flight she was to have caught, had crashed and there were no survivors. She was shocked and started weeping. On her arrival at Prasanthi Nilayam, she went to see Swami with tears in her eyes. Swami confirmed that it was indeed He, who had kept the railway gate closed so that she would miss the flight and would thus be able to return safely as promised by Swami. He rebuked her for speaking angrily to the taxi driver and told her to remember that when one surrendered to Swami then whatever happened in life, happened for the good.
General Hospital at Whitefield
While Swami’s Educare proceeded at a fast pace, Swami’s Medicare progressed at a more sedate pace. About twenty years after the inauguration of the General Hospital at Puttaparthi, now on Ganesh Chaturthi day, 29 August 1976, He inaugurated the General Hospital at Whitefield. This hospital, too, would provide the best medical care for the poor and the needy, absolutely fee of cost.
Lok Seva Vrinda, Muddenahalli
The untimely death of Narayan Bhat on 8 January 1977 came as a great shock to all. Swami sent a telegram “Narayan Bhat eternally merged in Swami. Don’t worry be bold”. The pall of gloom, which had descended upon Alike lifted a little by Swami’s words. A telephone call was received from Kasturi conveying Swami’s message, “Perform the last rites and come to Prasanthi Nilayam. Swami will take care of everything”. They obeyed Swami’s instructions and went to Prasanthi Nilayam, where Swami called the group, which included Narayan Bhat’s mother, Amma and Narasimha Murthy, for interview. Swami placed his right hand on Amma’s head and she immediately stopped crying. Swami consoled her saying that Narayan Bhat had merged in Him forever. Not for him anymore, the misery of birth and death. He had attained the ultimate goal of life. Swami allayed their worry and anxiety about the future of Lok Seva Vrinda, by saying that it had always been His. Narayan Bhat had offered it to Him long back. He also said that He would take over the institutions and instructed that Gangadhar Bhat should take over as president. He then asked Narasimha Murthy to bring the urn containing the ashes of Narayan Bhat, which had been left outside, and placed His hand on it and directed Narasimha Murthy to immerse the ashes in Chitravathi.
In a subsequent interview Gangadhar Bhat apprised Swami that as per His command he had taken over as the President, but humbly admitted that he was no patch on Narayan Bhat. Swami, very sweetly told him that one flower, however beautiful, did not make a garland. He succeeded because all the others stood behind him as one man. That unity needed to be maintained. Swami also reassured him that all loans of Lok Seva Vrinda would be cleared by Swami.
On the auspicious occasion of Vijay Dashami 1977, Swami made two important announcements in the course of His discourse. One was about the inception of Sri Sathya Sai Vidya Vihar School in Ooty and the other was that He was going to take over the Lok Seva Vrinda Educational Institutions at Alike and Muddenahalli. He had put people to work out the modalities. The culmination came on 14 August 1978 when Swami graciously inaugurated the Sri Sathya Sai Loka Seva Trust at Muddenahalli.
The Human Aura
The Summer Course of 1978 in Brindavan Campus was followed by a spiritual orientation course attended by 665 young teachers. During this, a distinguished professor from Arizona University arrived. He was one Dr Baranowski who had carried out extensive studies on the human aura as photographed using a Kirlian camera. During his address to the students and staff one evening, he said that he had investigated the aura of thousands of eminent persons in every walk of life. He had never seen any aura extend more than two feet beyond the body. He stated categorically that the aura projected by Swami was not that of a man. In Swami’s aura the white was more than twice the size of any man’s and the blue was practically limitless and then there were gold and silver bands beyond even those, far beyond the building, right up to the horizon. He stated, “The scientific community in my country finds it difficult to accept God. I am, therefore, risking my reputation when I make this statement that two days ago, right outside this hall, I looked in His eyes. They had a glow in them. It was clear to me that I had looked into the face of Divinity. If ever I can use the phrase, I have seen love walking on two feet, it is here. Perhaps of all miracles I have witnessed in India, no miracle is as great as the miracle of one man giving so much love to so many people”.
To be continued ….
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