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摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
有一个一岁大的女孩,她被诊断罹患脊椎结核病(Pott’s Disease)。她的脊椎第五六节间盘已完全损坏。专家建议孩子必须包扎石膏来保住钙质和稳定之。这是1957年5月4日的事。1958年6月间,解除了石膏,并以铁架取而代之。1958年11月4日,家人与她来到布达峇地。斯瓦米恩赐他们45分钟的面谈。祂祝福孩子,抚摸她的背,给她圣粉并告诉她的祖母说,“把一切交给我,我会一直照顾她的”。祂向她家人保证,孩子在一月份时会开始走路,而她果然做到了。
在一个场合中,斯瓦米吩咐几个男医生和女医生(大多数是外科医生)到中央医院的手术室来并叫他们围绕着一个罹患胃溃疡的病人。然后指定几个医生,斯瓦米问他们,以他们的资历去执行一个胃空肠吻合手术(gastro jejunostomy)要花多少时间。医生们感到惊讶,从斯瓦米口中说出这些医学术语。他们都认为这样的一个手术需时约两个钟头。祂要他们注意,斯瓦米在他们面前执行同样的手术要用多少时间。祂挥挥手即变现手术刀,开一个切口后使之消失。祂又变现剪刀和一个接一个的其他所需的工具而用完后即告消失。注意到斯瓦米执行的整个手术只用了半个钟头,医生们都惊讶不已。
今天义工(Sewadal)是赛组织的骨干。直到1966年,每当百善地尼乐园有任何重要的庆典,斯瓦米经常挑选强壮的义工并鼓励他们志愿加入服务工作,服务越来越多前来参加这些庆典的信徒。这系统促使几个信徒值勤小组的形成,每逢各邦的城镇有聚会的时候。于是就觉得有必要把他们归入一个名义下。然后,1967年3月29日在鲁西莫迪(Russi Modi)位于安德里(Andheri)的屋子举办的晚餐上,斯瓦米问克基密斯特里医生(Dr. Keki Mistry),对‘Sewadal’这个名字有什么看法。密斯特里医生回答说这是个好名字。第二天早上,斯瓦米召唤密斯特里医生并要他开始着手组织祂所命名的‘Sewadal’义工团队。密斯特里医生起草集训方案的摘要。他决定把课程分成三个部分;那就是灵性部分,急救处理部分以及服务部分。初时,64名义工被甄选,给他们密集训练。同时,于1967年4月20日至21日在马德拉斯的阿博特斯布里礼堂(Abbotsbury)举行的第一届斯里沙迪亚赛服务机构全印度职员会议上,大会决定把sewadal组织起来。1967年11月4日,Sewadal的就职典礼于孟买的Worli Dairy Hall在斯瓦米的见证下举行。1968年5月16日至19日,第一届斯里沙迪亚赛服务机构世界会议于孟买举行的场合里,斯瓦米赠送每一个第一期的会员一个服务臂带及一个银制的佛塔徽章,上刻有‘Sri Sathya Sai Sewadal’字样。后来,臂带被围巾所取代。
妇女组(Mahila Vibhag)和儿童道德教育班(Bal Vikas)
1968年5月斯瓦米成立Mahila Vibhag,妇女组。1969年5月斯瓦米又给她们一个附加的责任。祂要她们主持一个为孩童而设的Bal Vihar,让孩子们从中聆听取自经书,史诗以及属于所有宗教之圣者的故事。孩子们也要接受训练去学习唱峇赞及表演选自名著题材的小型戏剧。最重要的是必须教导他们培养纪律习性。1975年5月间斯瓦米把Bal Vihar的名字改为Bal Vikas。祂称赞妇女组的优异工作表现并要她们继续努力。
1968年7月22日斯瓦米邀请Sri TV Raghavalu(拉卡瓦鲁),安德拉邦(Andhra Pradesh)的教育部长为在阿南达布(Anantapur)的女子学院,名为‘Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College for Women’(斯里沙迪亚赛女子艺术与科学学院)主持开幕典礼。初期,不得不借用政府女子学校的课室上课,并借用一些临时宿舍。在致辞时,斯瓦米说每一个孩子有五个母亲,并且要对这五个母亲忠诚。第一个母亲是DEHAMATA,生母。第二个母亲是GOMATA,提供牛奶的母牛。第三个母亲是BHOOMATA,提供食物及滋养身体的大地。第四个母亲是DESHMATA,他所诞生于其内之社会的所在地。第五个母亲是VEDAMATA,他所继承的灵性宝藏。第一个母亲必须揭露其余四个母亲的荣耀给孩子,所以她的角色,地位和身份极为紧要,她的责任很关键。那就是为什么首先祂决定开创一所女子学院的原因了。
这所学院还有其独特的另一面。在安得拉邦教育部长主持开幕典礼之后,学院校舍的奠基仪式由印度副总统斯里巴塔克(Sri G S Pathak)于1969年11月7日主持,随后宿舍的奠基仪式由安得拉邦首长斯里坎杜白德赛(Sri Khandubhai Desai)主持。
然后,在1971年7月8日,学院校舍由印度总统,斯里吉利(Sri V V Giri)主持落成典礼,而宿舍的落成典礼则由第一夫人斯里玛提萨罗斯瓦提白吉利(Srimati Saraswathibai Giri)在同一天主持。
同时在平达弯的男生学院已于1969年6月9日由卡纳塔克邦(Karnataka)首席部长巴迪尔(Sri Veerendra Patil)主持开幕典礼。学院校舍的奠基仪式则由迈梭(Mysore)首长斯里莫汉拉尔苏坎迪亚(Sri Mohanlal Sukhadia)于1972年3月16日主持。校舍的落成典礼则于1978年5月19日由斯瓦米亲自主持。
在这期间,伊斯瓦罗姆玛中学由斯瓦米于1972年7月20日在村子里主持开幕典礼。这学校新校舍的Bhoomi Puja(土地公祭祀)由斯瓦米于1972年5月13日亲自执行,而校舍的落成典礼则由重工业部长斯里帕依(Sri T A Pai)于1976年7月11日主持。
在百善地尼乐园的学院,其校舍的奠基仪式是由斯里罗曼那丹哲迪亚(Sri Ramanathan Chettiar)于1978年11月21日主持,而学院的落成典礼是于1979年7月1日举行。第一年的课程是在依斯瓦罗姆玛学校的新校舍上课。
学院的宿舍建筑物的Bhoomi Puja由贾姆讷格尔的母后(Rajmata of Jamnagar)于1978年11月21日执行。然后斯瓦米于1980年11月19日主持学院校舍的落成典礼,而宿舍的落成典礼则于1980年12月25日举行。在1981年6月15日小学与高等中学开始运作。最高的成就要算是大学于1981年11月22日开始运作了,而其最高峰则是由卡尔纳达卡邦(Karnataka)首席部长,斯里昆都拉奥(Sri Gundu Rao)于1982年11月22日所主持的大学行政建筑物的落成典礼。同一个傍晚,斯里沙迪亚赛高等学府第一个年度的大学毕业典礼在满月礼堂(Poornachandra Auditorium)举行。当时的主要贵宾是斯里纳尼巴尔瓦拉(Sri Nani Palkhivala)。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 9
God Knows What is Best
Kasturi was puzzled why Swami cured some chronic illnesses and allowed others to suffer. Swami explained that He had to calculate the potentialities, the retribution they deserved and the use or misuse of what the person will make of restored faculties and capabilities. The following incidents are illustrations.
Once a blind man came to Swami hoping to have his eyesight restored. Swami did not pay attention to him at first then one day He pointed out that man to Kasturi and told him that the man’s blindness was his good fortune. Two days later, he received a letter from the Central Government, offering him a scholarship to go to Delhi for training in an Institution for Teaching the Blind. He had been a teacher earlier.
For another blind man Swami told Kasturi that he poured sympathy too easily. He said that If He gave eyesight back to that man, he was sure to ruin himself.
One noon in 1966 February, a young couple arrived by car from Bangalore after landing there by plane from Delhi. The lady’s brother had been sent home from a New Delhi hospital as a hopeless case. Hearing about Swami from some people they had come to seek His Grace to save the life of the brother. Swami gave two packets of vibhuti to Kasturi and asked him to hand them over to the lady with the instructions to mix some vibhuti in water and give it to her brother to sip and some of it was to smear all over the body. The couple should return to Delhi immediately. Before a fortnight was over a telegram was received that they were bringing the patient to Prasanthi Nilayam. The car from Bangalore came the next day and three people came out, the couple and a stranger. Kasturi saw them and asked them where was the patient. They laughed and pointed towards the third man, who now was quite hale and hearty.
There was a one-year old girl who was diagnosed with bone-eating Pott’s Disease. The disc between her 5th and 6th vertebrae was completely destroyed. The specialist ordered the child to be strapped in plaster to help recalcification. This was on 4th May 1957. In June 1958, she was out of plaster but was now to be put in an iron jacket. On 4 Nov 1958 the family reached Puttaparthi with her. Swami gave them an interview for 45 minutes. He then blessed the child, stroked her back, gave her vibhuti and told the grandmother, “Leave everything to me. I shall always take care of her”. He assured the family that the child would start walking by January and she did.
Swami Performs a Surgery
On one occasion, Swami called a few male and female doctors (many of them surgeons) to the operation theatre of the General Hospital and asked them to stand around a patient suffering from peptic ulcer. Then naming a few doctors, with their qualifications He asked them how long would they take to perform a gastro jejunostomy. The doctors were surprised to hear this medical term from Swami’s lips. They all agreed that such an operation would take about two hours. He asked them to note how long Swami would take to perform the same operation in front of them. He waved His hand and materialized a scalpel and made an incision and then made the scalpel disappear. He materialized scissors and other instruments one after the other and made them disappear when done with. The doctors were astonished to note that the operation took Swami just half an hour.
Origin of Sewadal
Today Sewadal is the backbone of the Sai organization. Upto 1966 whenever an important celebration took place at Prasanthi Nilayam, Swami used to select able bodied devotees and motivate them to voluntarily undertake service of the ever increasing number of devotees coming for these functions. This system led to the development of regular standing groups of devotees, whenever there were functions in various towns and cities in different states. A need was felt to bring them all under one banner. Then during a dinner held in the house of Russi Modi on 29 March 1967 at Andheri, Swami asked Dr. Keki Mistry what did he think about the name ‘Sewadal’. Dr. Mistry replied that was a good name. The next morning Swami called Dr. Mistry and told him to start the volunteer force, which He named sewadal. Dr. Mistry got to work to draw up the syllabus of the training programme. It was decided to divide the course into three segments viz. a spiritual segment, a first aid segment and a sewa or service segment. Initially 64 volunteers were selected for intensive training. Concurrently on 20-21 April 1967, the first All India Conference of the Office Bearers of Sri Sathya Sai Sewa Organization was held at Abbotsbury in Madras and it was officially decided to form the sewadal. The inauguration function of the sewadal was held on 4 November 1967 at Worli Dairy Hall, Bombay, in the Divine presence of Swami. On the occasion of the First World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai Sewa Organisations held in Bombay from 16 to 19 May 1968, Swami presented each member of the first batch, a sewadal Arm Band and a Silver Badge of stupa on it and the words “Sri Sathya Sai Sewadal”. Later the Arm Band was replaced by a scarf.
Mahila Vibhag and Bal Vikas
In May 1968 Swami started the Mahila Vibhag, the Ladies Wing. In May 1969 Swami gave them an extra responsibility. He wanted them to run a Bal Vihar for young children, where they would listen to stories from the scriptures, the epics and lives of saints belonging to all religions. They would also be trained to sing bhajans and enact small plays on themes selected from the classics. Most importantly, they must be taught to cultivate habits of discipline. In May 1975 Swami changed the name from Bal Vihar to Bal Vikas. He commended the excellent work done by the Mahila Vibhag and asked them to continue with the same dedication.
East Africa Visit
Easwaramma came to know that Swami was planning a trip to East Africa and was greatly perturbed and fearful about His safety. She had heard that there were dangerous people and animals in Africa. Swami reassured her and on 30 June 1968 embarked on the trip, which was a great success. NRI and Africans turned up in thousands to have His darshan and hear Him speak. On His return Easwaramma saw the photo album of the visit and was ashamed of her fear and alarm born of ignorance and realized that women must be as well educated as men. In a bullock cart if one bullock is strong and the other is weak, the cart cannot function properly. She was, therefore, glad that Swami was about to inaugurate a college for women in Anantapur.
Educational Institutions
On 22 July 1968 Swami invited Sri T V Raghavalu, the Andhra Pradesh Minister of Education to inaugurate the Sri Sathya Sai Arts and Science College for Women at Anantapur. Initially classes started in the Government Girls School and some temporary accommodation. Speaking on the occasion, Swami said that every child has five mothers and owes its loyalty to these five. The first is DEHAMATA, the mother who gives birth to its body. The second is GOMATA, the cow that gives it milk. The third is BHOOMATA, the land that provides food and nurtures the body. The fourth, DESHMATA, the region inhabited by the society it is born into. The fifth is VEDAMATA, the heritage of spiritual treasure. The first mother has to reveal to the child the glories of the other four and so her role, position and status are crucial, her responsibility is pivotal. That was why He resolved to start a Women’s college in the first instance.
The college was unique in one other way. After inauguration by the Education Minister of Andhra Pradesh, the foundation stone for the College Building was laid on 7 November 1969 by Sri G S Pathak, Vice President of India and immediately thereafter the Foundation Stone for the Hostel was laid by Sri Khandubhai Desai, Governor of Andhra Pradesh.
Then on 8 July 1971, the College Building was inaugurated by Sri V V Giri, President of India and then the Hostel Building was inaugurated by the First Lady, Srimati Saraswathibai Giri, the same day.
In the meanwhile the Men’s College at Brindavan had been inaugurated on 9 June 1969 by Sri Veerendra Patil, Chief Minister of Karnataka. The Foundation Stone of the College Building was laid on 16 March 1972 by Sri Mohanlal Sukhadia, Governor of Mysore State, but the Building was inaugurated by Swami Himself on 19 May 1978.
In between Easwaramma High School was inaugurated by Swami on 20 July 1972 in the village. The Bhoomi Puja of New Building of this school was performed on 13 May 1972 by Swami Himself and the Building was inaugurated on 11 July 1976 by Sri T A Pai, Union Minister of Heavy Industries.
Foundation Stone for the College at Prasanthi Nilayam was laid by Sri Ramanathan Chettiar on 21 November 1978 and the college was inaugurated on 1 July 1979. First Year classes were held at the New Building of Easwaramma School.
Bhoomi Puja of the Hostel Building of the College Building was performed by the Rajmata of Jamnagar on 21 November 1978. Swami then inaugurated the College Building on 19 November 1980 and the Hostel Building on 25 December 1980. On 15 June 1981 the Primary and Higher Secondary Schools started functioning. The crowning achievement was the start of the functioning of the University on 22 November 1981 and the Climax was the inauguration of the University Administrative Building by Sri Gundu Rao, Chief Minister of Karnataka on 22 November 1982. The same evening the First Annual Convocation of the University, the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning, was held at the Poornachandra Auditorium. The Chief Guest was Sri Nani Palkhivala.
The only inauguration not yet touched upon was the Hostel Building at Brindavan. Thereby hangs a tale. In March 1976 Swami spoke to the students of Brindavan College. He told them that He had decided to build a new Hostel for them next to the college. They would be comfortable and would not have to walk much to go for classes. The foundation Stone was to be laid on Thursday 11 March 1976. After Swami left, there was consternation instead of happiness among the boys.
The next day Swami came, accompanied by the warden and asked the boys whether they were happy at the prospect of having a new and comfortable hostel. A small boy got up and hesitatingly gave a letter to Swami, who opened the later, read it and smiled at the boy. Swami then called the Warden and gave the letter to him to read it aloud so that all could hear. This is what the boy had written, “Dearest Mother Sai, our humblest salutations at Your lotus feet. Are You displeased with us? Are we disturbing the silence so dear to You? Are we violating the code of discipline and behaving without due restraint? It must be. Otherwise why would You try to send us away from the beautiful precincts of Brindavan? Why do You insist that a new hostel be built at a far off location? Brindavan is a gracious place. It has brought Your sweet protective love and care very close to us. Even Gods will vie for such love. Swami we do not want any new hostel. The present accommodation can take in another two hundred boys. We can always adjust. If we go to the new hostel, we would be far away from Swami’s Mandir. We just do not want to go far away from Swami. If Swami is so particular about the new Hostel building to be sited next to the college, then Swami must have a new Mandir constructed right next to the new hostel. Otherwise we would like to stay here next to Swami. With heartfelt love and affection. Your children”. Swami’s heart was touched. He got the new hostel constructed right next to His residence.
To be continued ….
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