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摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
1964年12月13日,斯瓦米身在文卡达吉里(Venkatagiri)镇。 当天的早上八时,斯瓦米出现在喀拉拉邦(Kerala)曼遮里初级技术学校校长,罗摩莫汉劳勿(U Rama Mohan Rao)的家门前。他和他的夫人在斯瓦米面前毕恭毕敬地顶礼,然后引领斯瓦米进入屋内。斯瓦米坐在祭拜室内并告诉罗摩莫汉劳勿通知大家来参加峇赞。祂于是宣称,祂那天的到来是因为祂欣赏劳勿的女儿赛拉贾(Shailaja)的虔诚。用了一些点心后,斯瓦米走出闸门便消失了。
1966年8月4日星期四,百善地尼乐园被宣布为一个行政单位,称为百善地尼乐园乡镇行政区(Prasanthi Nilayam Township)。在新神殿落成之后大约16年间,新的建筑物如雨后春笋,不断冒起。到了1966年,它已经足以被划分为一个乡镇。一年后的1967年8月5日,它正式成为一个独立的乡镇行政区,由一位主席及一个委员会负责监督行政管理。当局举行了一个集会以示庆祝。罗摩克里希纳劳勿博士(Dr B Ramakrishna Rao)是首席贵宾。
祂重复地说在伽利期(Kaliyug)时期,持名就足以达到救赎并以以下的轶事加以说明之。 一天,那喇(Narad)自忖,“地球上发生了那么多差错的事物,然而主毗湿奴(Lord Vishnu)却保持缄默。若祂派遣我去执行,我会使到人们步上正轨。” 他怀持着这些思想去见毗湿奴并表达他的感受。毗湿奴说,“很好,那么你就到地球去弘扬虔诚吧!我累了,所以把这个任务交给你。在地球上的一座森林里,你会看到一只乌鸦在树枝上栖息。在乌鸦前面重复念诵‘Govinda’三次,之后告诉我有什么变化。”
在另一个露天会谈里,有人问斯瓦米,“我们是否必须承受业报(karma)?有无途径可以消除我们的业报?苟若不然,那么,执行礼仪,峇赞,冥思等等又有何用!” 斯瓦米澄清,典论(shastra)这么说,仅适用于那些意志不够坚强去修持其他方法来减轻业报的人。对其他人而言,是有方法的,否则执行仪式,礼仪,朝圣,峇赞,会见圣者等都是枉然的。这些举措确实对减轻业报有所帮助。借静虑于神,一个人可以完全改变他的命运(God's sankalpa神的旨意或恩典),因此,除去业何困难之有?斯瓦米要我们在承受业的当儿,应该有信心和虔诚去深思冥想神。祂保证祂会留意,使一个人不会感到痛苦并使他甚至不知道自己在承受着业。斯瓦米说持名(Namasmarana)是至高无上的。持名甚至可以改变未来。当今的业可以被持名的火给烧掉。你可以因此封锁未来所发生的事故。
两则事件说明斯瓦米对有关一个人能够改变他的命运的主张。在1967年11月,由阿德克医生(Dr Adke)所组织的一个大型医疗营在哈布里(Hubli)举办。斯瓦米抵达后,祂径自向着两个妇女走去,一个站立着哭泣,另一个坐着不断念诵着某种真言。斯瓦米吩咐那个母亲停止哭泣,祂已到来给她女儿视力,因为她女儿念诵‘Om Namah Shivaya’真言的苦行(tapas)已至圆满。这真言是母亲在女儿五岁时教她的,从那时起,她一直不断地念诵这真言。那女孩今天已18岁。她一生下来双目就失明,显然,那是她过去的业所带来的。正值斯瓦米用祂的两个拇指按着她的眼睛而给了她正常的视力,一个摄影师快速拍下盲女的照片。她喜出望外。
真善美(Sathyam Shivam Sundaram)
1967年11月3日,斯瓦米为孟买的一个赛活动中心,Dharmakshetra(正义战场)奠定基石。祂变现一个刻有9大星球标记的银盘并置于基石上。之后,在1968年5月12日(佛诞日),斯瓦米为Dharmakshetra 中心主持开幕典礼。斯瓦米以一讲道祝福广大群众。祂从5月12日起就住入名叫‘Sathya Deep’(真理深处)的新建成的住所。
在1971年10月25日那天,斯瓦米到海德拉巴市(Hyderabad)为祂的住所和峇赞礼堂大楼奠基。斯瓦米为它取名‘Shivam’。斯瓦米于1973年4月4日为Shivam 主持落成典礼。
现在该轮到马德拉斯市(Madras)了。1981年1月9日,斯瓦米为祂在马德拉斯(现称Chennai 真奈)的新居,Sundaram主持落成典礼。在这之前,所有庆祝仪式或集会经常在Abbotsbury 举行。现在赛组织有了自己的大楼,作为马德拉斯(真奈)的赛活动中心。
The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 8
The Manjeri Incident
On 13 December 1964, Swami was at Venkatagiri town. On that very day at about 8a.m., Swami appeared in front of the house of U Rama Mohan Rao, Superintendent of the Junior Technical School, Manjeri (Kerala). He and his wife prostrated before Swami and led Him inside the house. Swami sat in the pooja room and told Ram Mohan Rao to send word to as many devotees as available to come for bhajan. He then announced that He had come that day because He was very pleased with the devotion of his daughter Shailaja. He then took some light refreshment, went out through the gate and disappeared.
Swami Travels to Parts of Maharastra and Gujarat
Swami’s travels gained momentum. He travelled to Kakinada, Nellore, Vizag district and several parts of Southern Maharastra and some parts of Gujarat.
The Township is Now Named Prasanthi Nilayam
On Thursday, 4 August 1966 Prasanthi Nilayam was declared an administrative unit called Prasanthi Nilayam Township. In the 16 years or so after the inauguration of the New Mandir, buildings had started coming up. By 1966, it could be called a township. One year later on 5 August 1967 it was formally constituted into a separate township with a chairman and a committee to oversee the civic administration. There was a function to mark the occasion. Dr B Ramakrishna Rao was the Chief Guest.
Unique Cover Design
It was now February 1967. Kasturi approached Swami for a cover design for the special issue of Sanathana Sarathi on the occasion of Shivaratri on 9 March 1967. Swami sat down and drew a design incorporating the five major religions. He told Kasturi to put His photo in the central circle. This was the forerunner of the Sarvadharma Symbol.
Open Air Sessions
The open air sessions on the sands of Chitravathi were something that Swami was very fond of. The question and answer sessions were memorable. In the course of these, many important points were clarified by Swami. Someone asked whether puja should be performed to idols. Swami explained that this was done to enable the mind to concentrate upon one thing. External form helped the mind from straying aimlessly. When worshipping the idol one saw the chosen form in it. It evoked the necessary feelings and turned the inanimate clay or stone into a living God. One was not aware of any impurities in the clay or stone of which the idol was made. The entire concentration was on the form of the deity only and not on the material with which it was made.
On another occasion Swami asked the gathering, which contained many scholars, a seemingly simple question, “Which is the greatest?” Nobody ventured to answer. Swami looked around and then said, “What, no answer? I shall tell you the answer. Emptiness is the greatest, because it is the purest. There is nothing in it, but there is everything in it. Unless you contemplate deeply you will never realize this truth. My hand is empty, that is there is nothing in it. But actually the whole of nature is here, within.”
The Power of the Lord’s Name
He reiterated that in Kaliyug namasmarana was enough to attain salvation and illustrated it with the following anecdote.
One day Narad thought, “There are so many wrong things happening on earth, but Lord Vishnu is keeping quiet. If He sends me, I will make the people come on the right path.” With these thoughts, he went to Vishnu and expressed his feelings. Vishnu said, “Very well, then you go to earth and propagate bhakti. I am tired hence I am giving you this task. In a forest on the earth, you will find a crow perched on a tree. Repeat Govinda thrice in front of the crow and tell me later what happened.”
As soon as Narad finished saying Govinda thrice, the crow did likewise and dropped dead. He returned and narrated this to Vishnu, who asked Narad to do the same thing, this time in front of a parrot. The parrot also repeated Govinda three times and died. Narad was now frightened and said so to Vishnu, who told him not to worry and this time do the same thing in front of a calf in the cattle shed of a Brahmin. Narad protested and said that if the calf died, the Brahmin would curse him and he would really be in trouble. Vishnu pacified and convinced him to go once more. Narad repeated his action as did the calf and it promptly died. Narad ran out in haste and narrated everything to Vishnu and added that if he listened to Vishnu’s words anymore, he would surely be condemned forever. Vishnu coaxed and persuaded Narad to go for the last time and never to listen to Him again if the same thing happened this time also. Vishnu now asked him to go and repeat Govinda in front of a newly born prince. Reluctantly and with trepidation, Narad entered the palace. The king greeted him with joy and respect and prayed to Narad to bless his son. With his heart in his mouth Narad repeated Govinda three times in front of the baby and waited with bated breath. The baby opened his eyes, smiled and said, “Oh sage I am deeply grateful to you. When I was a crow, you gave upadesh and let me have a parrot’s life. Again you gave me upadesh and I was born as a calf. Once more I received your upadesh and I have been born as a prince. You have fulfilled my life. My salutations to you.”
Narad realized how by merely chanting the Lord’s name one was able to reach higher realms of life. If the name had so much power then how much would be the Lord’s power. A repentant Narad begged the Lord’s pardon.
Another Open Air Session
In another open air session Swami was asked, “Do we have to undergo karma? Is there no way to eliminate our Karma? Then what was the use of performing rituals, bhajans, contemplation etc.” Swami clarified that shastras say so only for people who were not strong enough to reduce Karma by other means. For others there were ways, otherwise what would be the use of performing rites, rituals, pilgrimages, bhajans, darshan of holy men and so on. These actions certainly helped in reducing Karma. One could totally change one’s destiny (God’s sankalpa) by contemplating on God, therefore why should it be difficult to wipe off karma? Swami ordained us to contemplate on God with confidence and devotion while undergoing karma. He assured that He would see to it that one did not feel the pain and one would not even realize that one was undergoing Karma. Swami added that Namasmarana was supreme. One could even change the future. Present Karma could be burnt away by the fire of Namasmarana. You can thus block the future.
Changing One’s Destiny
Two incidents illustrate what Swami asserted about one being able to change one’s destiny. In November 1967 a large medical camp had been organized in Hubli by Dr Adke. As soon as Swami arrived, He walked in the direction of two women, one standing and crying and the other sitting and constantly chanting some mantra. Swami asked the mother to stop crying as He had come to give sight to her daughter because her tapas (penance) was saturated with the mantra ‘Om Namah Shivaya’, which the mother had taught her daughter when she was five years old and since then she had constantly been doing the japa. The girl was now eighteen years old and had been blind since birth, obviously as a result of her past karma. A photographer was quick to take the photo of the blind girl as Swami pressed both His thumbs over her eyelids and gave her normal sight. She was overjoyed.
One European lady with a defective leg and needing crutches happened to see the photo of the blind girl being given her sight in the newspaper and came the next day hoping for a cure. The lady was afraid of the crowd because of her condition and hence sat on a rock some distance away. Swami gave darshan to the waiting crowd and then approached her and told her that her devotion towards Jesus was phenomenal and that was why Swami gave her the newspaper so that she could come there. Swami told her, “Come, stand up and give both your crutches to Swami.” He put them aside and held her left arm and shouted, “Go and run.” She actually started running and with a voice choked with gratitude thanked Swami for curing her.
Sathyam Shivam Sundaram
On 3 November 1967, Swami laid the foundation stone for Dharmakshetra, the centre of Sai Activities at Bombay (Mumbai). He created a silver plate with the nine planetary signs carved on it, to be placed in the foundation. Thereafter on 12 May 1968 (Buddha Purnima) Swami inaugurated Dharmakshetra. Swami blessed the mammoth gathering with a discourse. He stayed at His newly constructed residence named “Sathya Deep” from 12 May onwards.
On 25 Oct 1971 Swami went to Hyderabad and laid the Foundation Stone for His Residence and Bhajan Hall Complex. It was named “Shivam” by Swami. Swami inaugurated “Shivam” on 4 April 1973.
It was now the turn of Madras. On 19 Jan 1981, Swami inaugurated “Sundaram”, His new residence at Madras (Chennai). Till then all functions used to be held at Abbotsbury. Now the Sai Organization had its own complex to serve as the centre for Sai activities in Madras (Chennai).
To be continued ….
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