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2015/09 第十位神化身(8)
摘自:斯里沙迪亚赛峇峇(Kalki Avatar,即白马神化身或第十位神化身)的一个简明传记
编者:Col.S.K.Bose (Retd)
斯瓦米到克沙夫维特尔(Keshav Vittal)位于班加罗尔的家去,看到卡斯杜里(Kasturi)站立在群众的边缘并叫他和告诉他一本每月一期的杂志不久就要开始出版,而斯瓦米要卡斯杜里当编辑。卡斯杜里喜出望外。他立即辞去在班加罗尔印度广播电台(Akashvani)的工作而稍后搬到布达峇地。
Sanathana Sarathi(永恒的战车御者)的问世
一天,斯瓦米派人去请卡斯杜里来并告诉他第一期的《永恒的战车御者》刚在大湿婆之夜(Mahashivaratri)发行,由拉惹雷迪(Raja Reddy)编辑。但从那天起,编辑之职概由卡斯杜里负责。斯瓦米带他们两人去位于班加罗尔林荫道(Avenue Road)的威查拉达潘出版社(Vichara Darpan Press)并买了一台便宜的印刷机,及活字盘,英文和泰卢固文各一。印刷机安装于名叫Patashala(巴大沙拉)那栋楼的东端的一个小房间内。好几个月,《永恒的战车御者》以两种语文合起来出版,包含英文与泰卢固文的文章,斯瓦米是主要的撰写者。过后,两部份分开寄出。
在1954年卡斯杜里恳求斯瓦米允许,为斯瓦米写传记,但遭到祂的拒绝,说是时机尚未成熟。人们会认为那仅是一个神话故事而当他真的动笔时,人们又会责怪他花那么多的时间才完成。现在,在1961年斯瓦米终于批准卡斯杜里执笔。卡斯杜里建议书名采用“Sathyam Sivam Sundaram”(真善美),斯瓦米首肯。

在1961年斯瓦米生日那一天,卡斯杜里呈献“Sathyam Sivam Sundaram”的第一部分于斯瓦米的莲花足前。斯瓦米非常讶异卡斯杜里的速度,在斯瓦米允许之后,这么快就把书印好。卡斯杜里说,他一直写日记,所以在得到斯瓦米批准之后,他只要整理所收集的资料就可以付梓了。
斯瓦米于1961年到哥印拜陀(Coimbatore)并在1961年2月6日为那加赛神殿(Naga Sai Mandir)的舍尔地赛峇峇神像开光。神殿得名自一事件,即,舍尔地赛峇峇以一只眼镜蛇现身,让无数的信徒一睹圣容。眼镜蛇从花丛中钻出来,聆听几小时的峇赞后,牠还一展英姿让人拍照,然后消失踪影。这件事情发生在1943年。



1961年6月17日在巴德里纳寺庙,斯瓦米面对神像坐着,祂变现一个美丽的四臂那罗延那(Narayan)神像及海螺、法轮、棍棒和莲花等法器。然后祂变现一朵千瓣金莲花,而当祂再挥动祂的手时,在祂的手掌上出现了一个林伽(Lingam),这林伽与商羯罗阿者梨安装在庙内一个秘密的壁龛里的林伽是完全一样的。祂把林伽放在莲花的中央并且把莲花与神像两者置于一个银盘上。祂展示祂所谓的Netralingam给与会的每一个人。北方邦(Uttar Pradesh)的首长,罗摩基士拿劳勿博士(Dr B Ramakrishna Rao)代表所有与会者主持祭拜仪礼。接着,斯瓦米把Netralingam送回到它原来安装的地方。
斯瓦米继续到泰米尔纳德邦(Tamil Nadu)及卡纳塔克邦(Karnataka)的各个不同的地区去活动。在南印度的学术界和灵道圈里,祂可谓家喻户晓了,主要是因为祂在1957年3月在文卡达吉利(Venkatagiri)的‘神圣生命协会’大会的讲道所致。
1963年导师节。巴拉德瓦者大仙(Bharadwaj Rishi)的一段经历。

斯瓦米然后宣布,透露祂的真实身份及为何降临世间的时间到了。故事是从大仙巴拉德瓦者(Rishi Bharadwaj)的渴望得以精通吠陀经起始。经三百年的苦功,大仙认为离目标尚远。当他要求因陀罗(Indra)延长一百年来完成他的研究时,因陀罗告诉他,这起不了什么作用。他规劝大仙,要执行一种名叫Savitra的祭祀(yagnya);而在那祭祀中,他会把吠陀经的精华传授给大仙。但要达到这目的,大仙必须邀请湿婆(Shiva)与萨克蒂(Shakti)参加仪式,增添光彩。大仙巴拉德瓦者于是去凯拉沙(Kailash)邀请湿婆与萨克蒂,他看到祂们正投入于一个舞蹈比赛中,比赛谁跳的最久。萨克蒂向他微笑,然后转向他处,继续跳舞。湿婆告诉萨克蒂,祂们应该扮演互补性的角色而不是竞争性的角色,所以,她的做法是不对的。除此之外,她还忽略了大仙的渴求而她必须为此付出代价。大仙巴拉德瓦者感到很失望和沮丧,准备回去时却由于中风而倒下。湿婆与萨克蒂停止跳舞,赶紧向大仙奔去。湿婆从祂的壶中拿了些水洒在大仙身上而使大仙苏醒过来。祂们告诉大仙,祂们对他的虔诚甚感欣慰并答应会参加他的祭祀仪式。祭祀顺利进行而神圣的湿婆与萨克蒂赐予大仙无比的恩惠。最后,祂们告诉他,在伽利期(Kaliyuga),祂们会下凡三次于巴拉德瓦者家族。第一次,湿婆单独化身为舍尔地的赛峇峇。第二次,他们两人同时来到一个肉身,那就是沙迪亚赛峇峇的这个肉身。第三次,萨克蒂单独化身为伯里玛赛峇峇(Prema Sai Baba)。湿婆继续说,当祂们同时化身为一个身体时,萨克蒂会承受八天的痛苦,一如巴拉德瓦者所受者然,以补偿她的忽略。斯瓦米之所以左半身瘫痪就是这个原因。直接的起因就是等待合适的机会演出这个事件并且展露祂的真实身份。

The Tenth Avatar
(A Concise Biography of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, The Kalki Avatar)
By: Col S.K Bose (Retd)
… Continue from Part 7
Swami Calls Kasturi to Puttaparthi
Swami went to house of Keshav Vittal in Bangalore and spotted Kasturi standing at the edge of the crowd and called him and told him that a monthly magazine was to start soon and that Swami would like Kasturi to edit it. Kasturi was thrilled. He immediately resigned from Akashvani at Bangalore and moved to Puttaparthi a short while later.
Sanathana Sarathi Appears
One day Swami sent for Kasturi and told him that the first issue of Sanathana Sarathi had just been released on Mahashivaratri, edited by Raja Reddy, but from then on it would be the responsibility of Kasturi. Swami took both of them to Vichara Darpan Press on Avenue Road in Bangalore and bought an inexpensive press and a case each of English and Telugu types. The press was set up in a small room at the eastern end of Patashala Block. For many months Sanathana Sarathi was bilingual and contained both English and Telugu matter, Swami being the main contributor. Later on, the two parts were posted separately.
First Part of Swami’s Biography is Printed
In 1954 Kasturi had asked Swami for permission to write His biography but He declined saying that the time was not ripe. People would regard it as fairy tale and when he actually wrote it, people would chide him for having taken so long. Now, in 1961 Swami finally gave His permission to Kasturi to go ahead. The title “Sathyam Sivam Sundram” suggested by Kasturi, was approved by Swami.

On Swami’s Birthday in 1961, Kasturi offered Part I of “Sathyam Sivam Sundaram” at Swami’s Lotus Feet. Swami was surprised at the speed with which Kasturi got the book printed after Swami gave the ‘go ahead’. Kasturi said that he had been keeping a diary all along, so when Swami gave him the green signal, all he had to do was to arrange his narrative properly and give it for printing.

Swami Visits Naga Sai Mandir

Swami visited Coimbatore in 1961 to consecrate the idol of Shirdi Sai Baba in the Naga Sai Mandir on 26 Feb 1961. The Mandir got its name from the incident when Shirdi Sai Baba had given darshan to countless devotees as a Cobra, which rose from a heap of flowers, listened to bhajans for a few hours and even posed for a photograph, before finally disappearing. This had taken place in 1943.
Badrinath Visit 1961
Swami decided to visit Badrinath in June 1961 because the spiritual energy of the lingam installed there by Shankaracharya, had become weak. Another purpose of the visit was to instil in the minds of devotees and indeed all aspirants, faith in scriptures that speak of the sanctity of certain places. He always emphasized Shastravishwas and devavishwas, faith in the Shastra (Scriptures) as equally important as faith in God.

On 17 June 1961 at Badrinath temple, Swami, who was sitting facing the idol, materialized a beautiful four-armed Narayan idol, with Shankha, Chakra, Gada and Padma. Then He created a thousand petalled golden lotus and when He waved His hand again, there was a Lingam in His palm, the same Lingam that Shankaracharya had installed in the Badri Shrine in a secret niche. He placed the Lingam in the centre of the Lotus and placed both Lotus and idol on a silver plate. He showed the Netralingam, as He called it, to each member of the party. Pooja was performed on behalf of all present by Dr B Ramakrishna Rao, Governor of Uttar Pradesh. Swami then sent the Netralingam back to where it was installed.
Travels Continue
Swami continued with his travels to various parts of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. He had become very well known all over South India in scholastic and spiritual circles mainly because of His discourses in the Divine Life Society Convention in Venkatagiri in March 1957.
Guru Purnima 1963. The Bharadwaj Rishi Episode
On 29 June 1963, Swami called Kasturi and told him to announce that He would not grant interviews for the next one week. The next day Swami fell ill. His left hand was clenched into a fist. His left leg had become stiff and toes had become taut. Kasturi and Raja Reddy were in constant attendance. Over the next few days Swami had apoplexy, tubercular meningitis, angina pectoris and a series of heart attacks. He declined all treatment, be it injection, lumber puncture or intravenous glucose solution. Many people kept vigil while some wept. On 6 July 1963, Gurupurnima day, Swami was brought to the stage with the help of Kasturi, Raja Reddy and some others, who helped Swami to sit on the silver chair. The left side of His body was paralyzed. Swami then asked for a glass of water to drink. He sipped a few drops and sprinkled some water with His right hand on His limp left hand and on His left leg too. He stroked the left with the right hand and with both hands stroked the left leg. He rose and brought His mouth near the mike and said, “Premaswarooplara” in His normal voice. There were scenes of wild jubilation, people got up and danced with joy. It took some time for order to be restored.

Swami then announced that the time had come for Him to reveal who He really was and why had He taken birth. The story started with Rishi Bharadwaj’s desire to master the Vedas. In three hundred years he found that he was far away from his goal. When he asked Indra for another 100 years of extension to complete his study, Indra told him that this would get him nowhere. He advised the Rishi to perform a yagnya called Savitra and in that yagnya he would teach the Rishi the essence of the Vedas. But for this to happen, the Rishi needed to invite Shiva and Shakti to grace the occasion. Accordingly Rishi Bharadwaj went to Kailash to invite Shiva and Shakti but found them engaged in a competitive dance to see, who could dance longer. Shakti smiled at him, looked away and continued dancing. Shiva told Shakti that their roles are complementary and not competitive so what she was doing was wrong. Besides she had neglected the yearning of the Rishi and would have to pay for this. Rishi Bharadwaj turned away in despair and disappointment and started to return, but had a stroke and fell down. Shiva and Shakti stopped dancing and hastened to the Rishi. Shiva took water from his Kamandalu and sprinkled it on the Rishi and revived him. They told the Rishi that they were pleased with his devotion and promised that they would grace the yagnya with their presence. The yagnya was performed and the Divine couple showered many boons on the Rishi. Finally they told him that in Kaliyuga, they would take birth three times in Bharadwaj gotra (lineage). The first time Shiva would come alone and he came as Sai Baba of Shirdi. The second time they would come in one body and they came in this body of Sathya Sai Baba. The third time Shakti would come alone and would be known as Prema Sai Baba. Shiva continued that when they took birth together in one body, Shakti would suffer for 8 days as Bharadwaj did, for expiation of her neglect. That is why the left side of Swami’s body suffered paralysis. The immediate cause was waiting for the right occasion to play out this incident and reveal His real identity.

This is how the tenth avatar made His advent.
To be continued ….
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